Monday, March 31, 2014

31 Mar 14

1. For What It’s Worth                                                                                   - 282 Days

Well, It’s Monday once again and here I am in the office back in my cube for another fun filled week at the workplace. Not much going on here yet at 0647 hours.

This weekend I guess I was pretty lazy to tell you the truth.  I did some laundry and that was about it.  I did take Snoopy out on Friday night for a few hours to our local watering spot.  She does enjoy meeting and greeting all of her adopted family members and friends.  She seems to make new friends every time we go out. I also went out on Sat night without her because some times you just need to go out without having to babysit her outside all night. It gives me a chance to talk with friends that stay inside pretty much all night. It was an enjoyable evening…

I’m looking at my work desk and I realize that it is a complete mess. It looks like a war zone has hit it. I guess I need to clean it off and be better organized or at least make it look like it. I guess I’ll put that on my to do list for this week! J

At the top of this post for the past few days I have been using it to display my retirement countdown… today is – 282 Days… But I just realized that my D-Day will be sooner actually since I plan on trying to save some of my vacation time to use when I retire so I don’t have to come back into the office after the upcoming holiday break in December.  With this plan maybe I will able to allow me to take a little longer than I have in the past for the holidays.

I gotta start brining in my lunch to work. Eating off the catering truck daily is getting expensive. $5.00 for a California burger, which is nothing more than a small burger patty, cheese, bacon, tomato and lettuce, and Avocado.  It is just too expensive to be eating there every day.  I guess I’ll start making some sandwiches and brown bag them in to save some cash. I have already cut down drastically from going to the local watering hole during the week, much to Snoopy’s apparent disappointment.  She likes to socialize with everyone when she is out and about in the city.

2. Alternate Band Name Game


British Reggae Band
Your immediate condition (slang), one year after your 39th birthday?

Answer:  ?? ??

Previous Alternate Name Game

Clue: Not us, but ________.         Answer: Them

3. Television Trivia


1970’s TV Show
Huggy Bear
Red Gran Torino
White stripe
2 Streetwise cops

Answer: ???

Previous Post’s Television Trivia


Debuted and ran in the 1960s and 1970s…

John C
Eric I
Graham C
Terry G
Michael P
Terry J

Answer: Monty Python’s Flying Circus

4. How Well Do We Know Each Other?

Clue:  If I (Michael J) could visit any city in the world, what city would that be?

Answer:  ??

Bonus: Tell us what city would you want to visit…

Previous Game of How Well Do We Know Each Other?

Question: Both my ex’s had the same first and last name initials. What were they?

Answer:  P.G.

Snoopy is always preaching us to, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be good!

- cb

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