Tuesday, March 4, 2014

First Tuesday of March 2014, end of Music Trivia Game Round 1

1. For What It’s Worth

Yesterday I found a guy (Matt) online through his blog who recently went on an adventure similar to my future road trip in his VW Vanagon, which is the follow-on vehicle to the Bay Window Type 2 VW Bus.

VW vans are technically called Type 2 VWs, with the engines located in the rear. The VW Type 1 is the Beetle (Bug) of course. There are also Type 3 and even Type 4 VWs. We will enlighten you with that knowledge at a later date. Anyways, the first generation of Type 2s are the Split-window Buses, known for their split windscreens and also known as Splitties, First Gens, Vintage, etc. They were produced 1949-1967. The second generation Type 2s were called Bay Window Buses for the continuous windshield made of one piece which were produced 1968–1979. In 1980–1992, the Vanagon, the Third Generation Type 2 was produced. After that was the Eurovan (Type 4 or T4) which began production for the sale year of 1993 to the present and had the engine moved up front for obvious safety reasons.

I liked a lot of Matt’s blog features that he used so I might have to adopt some of them for my use as well. I plan on starting a dialogue with him since he lives up north here in California and we have similar interests. I’ll pick his brain to what he learned living and traveling around in his vehicle for about a year or so.  He is much more elegant in his writing prose, so I might have to step up my game a bit. He also included some poetry writings to which I might even give a try. On the road traveling mostly alone, you have a lot to think about and many miles to do it. Matt is about twenty years younger than me, but just as adventurous as I was back then. He sounds like a gregarious kind of guy, so we have that also in common.

I’ll post more when I learn more about it all.


2. Music Trivia Game

Yesterday was the final installment of the first round of the music trivia game. Since we have completed the artists in my iPod A-Z, we will begin another fun new game in a day or two!

Last Post’s Music Trivia Answer = ZZ Top


3. Alternate Band Name Game

Clue: = Slang for flying the middle digit on your hand      Answer:  ???

Last Post’s Alternate Band Name Game

Clue: = Majestic birds, Golden or Bald         Answer:  The Eagles


Snoopy says, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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