Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                                          286 Days

It’s Monday morning once again.  Monday, Monday.  Funny how that seems to happen pretty much weekly. All I know is, 40 more weekends to go. I think I’ll try to save up my vacation days so I won’t have to return back to work after the holiday break.  That will be a nice feeling not to have to come back in here!  I can hardly wait for that day!

This weekend I did accomplish a few chores around the house.  Got some laundry done (of course), charged up my auxiliary battery system in Linus, took Snoopy for a walk, cleaned my rifle, and also got the new iOs 7.1 operating software downloaded and installed on my iphone.  It seems like I can never do it with my own Mifi Hotspot wireless internet connection.  I again had to go to the tavern and use their Wifi, which still took some serious time.

I did receive a couple of inputs from our readers about some en-route destinations for our road trip. Thanks to Jim R and Rhino for their input.  That is exactly the kind of feedback we have been requesting/begging for. We have added them both to our ever-growing list of places to visit.  We encourage more input from you folks! Please!  We really need your help!

Are you aware that the state of Utah has five National Parks across the southern part of the state?  We could probably spend an entire month just there!  There is also a huge Recreation Area there, the Glen Canyon Nat’l Rec Area.  We can tell that this section of our road trip we will be meandering here and there for weeks at a time!  That is what it is all about anyways, right?  J  No timeline for much of the trip, which will be awesome!  We are hoping to visit all of you friends along the way. Make sure you guys provide us with your addresses so we can plan accordingly.  A hot shower is always a welcomed luxury when you are on the road. Maybe even a soak in a warm tub? J

I know along the way I’ll need to find Snoopy places to get her all cleaned up. I usually take her to Pet Smart for her flea baths and all her grooming needs.  I believe they are all over the US, which is a good thing. She is in their computer database so they know what meds she needs and what services she usually gets. She gets all cleaned up every month or two I guess. More often if she is stinky or she crawls under Linus and gets all dirty and greasy. She does that a lot when it is hot outside and she seeks the cool shade. They once put ribbons on her ears. We put an abrupt stop to that nonsense.   She is just not that kind of girl.  That kind of thing really bugs her and she will mess with it until it is gone from her life.  She is a lot like me I guess!

When Snoopy wants to jump on the couch to be with me, she will sit on the floor and she will wiggle and wiggle her backside and look me in the eye, waiting for my invite to be with me. Sometimes she gets so excited she will give a high-pitched yelp that will clear any ear blockage you might have.  I will try to ignore her but most of the time she will have none of that. She will wiggle and squirm more than a three-year old getting his first haircut, until I tell her it’s okay to come up or no. When she hears no she usually will just sit next to the couch and look up at me. Then sometimes I just can’t resist that face of hers and I have to invite her up.  She knows she needs to lay down when she comes up, so she usually does so without me telling her, and sometimes she needs to be reminded about three or four times.  She does tend to get a bit excited at times!  J

I wish I could get her to play with toys, because then she would use up some of that excessive energy of hers.  Imagine of she would just chase a ball or a Frisbee for a little while. She would get her exercise, I would get some also and she could burn off some of that excessive energy that she has stored up inside of her.  If only… J

I’m getting kind of hungry but it will be about two hours until I’ll be getting any lunch today.  I need to start eating a small breakfast again during the morning. Just skipping it I tend to get headaches even though I could use to drop a few extra pounds.  I guess this is not the good way to get this accomplished.

2. Alternate Band Name Game

Clue:   former US spy plane               Answer:  ??

Previous Alternate Band Name Game

Clue:  New England Metropolis       Answer: Boston

3. Television Trivia


Sidekick Artemus Gordon
Living on the rails
Derringer up his sleeve
Great theme song
Robert Conrad

What was the name of this popular 1960’s TV show?   Answer: ???

Previous Post’s Television Trivia



What is the name of this TV show & Character?  Answer:  House


4. How Well Do We Know Each Other?

Question:  What was my first car I ever owned and drove in high school?

Answer:  ??

Previous How Well Do We Know Each Other?

Question:  My friends call me “Michael J”.   What does the middle initial “J” stand for in my name?

Answer:  My middle name is, Joseph, named after my father, of course.

You should listen to Snoopy when she says to, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be good!

- cb

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