Thursday, June 26, 2014

TBT Thursday, June 26, 2014

                                         Throw Back Thursday!  Joe & Janie back in their HeyDay!

1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 190 Days and counting

Travels & Destinations

Only been to Minnesota a couple of times, so not too sure what is there to see.  Lots of open country I believe, so that could be cool. The Land of 20,000 Lakes and lots of mosquitos too I know.  We will need some kind of repellant when we are there.  Snoopy won’t like the bugs just as I hate them.  We are alike with things such as that.  We have been spoiled for oh too long.  We might have to try our hand at some fishing up there.  We also have a buddy, Hutch, who lives near the Twin Cities, who is originally from Boston area.  He has been there for quite a time now I guess working as an aircraft mechanic like I used to be.  The weather there has got to suck for working outside I bet.  Hopefully he has found a way to keep and stay warm.  Not sure what there is to do there but I bet it is some outdoor adventure

I have always loved Wisconsin.  The people there are friendly, the land is beautiful, the cops… the winters… well, let’s just say I love a lot of what makes Wisconsin a great place.  As all Illinoisans know, the cops in Wisconsin prey on out of state drivers, especially automobiles from Illinois.  They tend to home in on them like bees to something sweet.  Seems like every time we were in the state of Wisconsin, someone got a ticket for some moving violation, even though everyone else was doing the same speed or like behavior.  Other than that little issue, I do like that area a whole lot.  The people seem so friendly I thought, so time spent there will be nice I am sure.   The Wisconsin Dells is a vacation destination that I have never been to.  I am probably the only guy who has lived in the Chicagoland area that has never been there, even for a day visit.  Someone also told me about Pattison State Park near Superior, WI that we need to visit.  I guess we will have to check out this state a bit more since it is so beautiful.

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom    

The true mark of maturity is when somebody hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of trying to hurt them back.

2.  Famous Quotes

Who is credited for saying the following quote?

“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on it’s ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid”

Answer: ??

Famous Quotes  (Previous Game)

Who is credited for saying the following quote?

“Love isn’t a state of perfect caring.  It is an active noun like struggle.  To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.”

Answer:  Mr (Fred) Rogers, from “Mr Roger’s Neighborhood”.

3. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question:  If we could only watch old black & while TV shows, what would be Michael’s choice of TV show to watch?

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question:  Does Linus have a stick shift or is it an automatic transmission?

Answer:   Linus was originally a stick shift, but someone before we got him installed an automatic transmission.

Congrats to Mike (Dwight) who got this correct, but of course he has ridden in Linus before…  Still, nice job for remembering… J

Snoopy begs that you please, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 191 Days and counting

Travels & Destinations

Utah, mostly the Southern half, hosts 5 of the best National Parks anywhere with Zion, Bryce Canyon, Arches, Canyonlands, and Capitol Reef Nat’l Parks. There is also Glen Canyon Nat’l Rec Area as well as Lake Powell that are areas available to explore.  All of these destinations are major scenic attractions that will demand a visit from us for sure.  We could probably spend a month just there exploring these Nat’l Parks.  Since it is not really in our direct flight-path this time, we may have to hit up Utah on another trip I am afraid.  To divert down to Southern Utah would be a huge trek out of the way and some considerable additional mileage would be logged.  We will see what happens OTR (on the road).

South Dakota
There are many sightseeing sites located in SD, such as Mt Rushmore, Badlands, Wind Cave, Sturgis, and many more sites there I would like to visit.  I do not recall ever visiting SD in my USAF travels.  I have wanted to visit this state for some time now, so we are looking forward to it.  We are gonna have to spend some quality time there exploring that vast area.  Like Utah & Montana, SD will take some time to explore and enjoy.

North Dakota
I have been to ND once in my USAF travels. I remember fixing an airplane in a cold and wet winter drizzle/snowstorm back in the early 80s.   Other than that one quick trip, I never have been there for any real amount of time.  We just spent several hours there on the ground and we were out of there after I fixed the broken bird.  The weather was pretty nasty and I did not have a good time working out in it.

To be continued…

Weather is the variety in our daily lives. This past winter, my midwestern friends whined almost daily about the extremely low temps and the huge amount of snowfall.  I can understand that.  After 7 or so months, that does get old from what I recall.  Now we're hearing whining about the heat and humidity, and summer is only just arrived and it isn't even July yet. I understand your plight, but get over it already.  We all have the option to pick up and move to an environment you can tolerate.  Sometimes it may be pricey to do so, but it is all relative.  Happiness sometimes comes with a price, and for me, the price is worth it.  I have never complained about the weather here in the 35 years I have lived here.  We have the best weather in the world I believe.  California taxes are quite high I am afraid, so a permanent residency elsewhere is in the plans.  Part-time living in California is always an option.  That decision will come soon enough!

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom    

If you love someone, tell them… because hearts are often broken by words left unspoken.

2.  Famous Quotes

Who is credited for saying the following quote?

“Love isn’t a state of perfect caring.  It is an active noun like struggle.  To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.”


Famous Quotes  (Previous Game)

Who is credited for saying the following quote?

“This is my simple religion.  There is no need for temples.  No need for complicated philosophy.  Our own brain, our own heart is our temple.  The philosophy is kindness.”

Answer:   HH Dalai Lama
3. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question:  Does Linus have a stick shift or is it an automatic transmission?

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question:  Are we considered Liberal or Conservative?

Answer:  We are considered Liberal, because we care about our fellow man.

Snoopy begs that you please, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 192 Days and counting

Ten years ago today my Dad Joe passed away. There is not a day that passes that I don't think about him and miss him. Rest in Peace Dad!  I love you!

Travels & Destinations

I have always wanted to go to Montana, but never have been there as of yet. I guess it is what I always think of when you think about cowboys and the mountain-man lifestyle. Even though Wyoming is right next to it, it still never had the allure of Montana to me. 

So, anyways, I really would like to go to Montana and spend some time there. I have my cowboy hat ready for the trip there!  Snoopy will see the mountains and all that open-range land and will want to take off and run forever!  I like the fact that there is so much land and it is very limited on residents living there. I just might have to stay there for a while.  J

I have been to Wyoming already. My buddy Darrell and I drove all the way to Rawlins, WY on a 5 day weekend, driving 16 ½ hours each way for another friend’s wedding and bachelor party. I remember my buddy Darrell got a speeding ticket in Utah on the way there, and it was during the only hour that he drove the entire trip too!

I also remember we kept seeing all these billboards for some fried chicken restaurant on the way there. Since we were in a hurry to get there, we did not stop except for gas and bathroom breaks. On the return trip we saw the billboard signs once again and I said, “Oh we are going to get some of that damn chicken!” So the signs kept flying by… 60 minutes to fried chicken, 45 minutes, 30 minutes, 15 minutes… then we finally get there.  I tell Darrell, this better be some damn good chicken, so we mosey on in and sit down in a booth, and the waitress comes to take our order and I tell her I want half a fried chicken just for myself. She tells me, I’m sorry… we are all out of chicken. I just wanted to go postal on this place. After tempting us with this fried chicken for all these miles and now you’re telling me there is no f*ing chicken?  WTF is that about?  I remember thinking, Hey, I want my f*ing Chicken right now!!!

I guess The Devil’s Tower is located in Wyoming.  I always thought it was located in SD, but apparently I have been mistaken. I have seen it on TV and in movies (Close Encounters of the Third Kind), but it is on my list of things to see there.  Also, The Grand Tetons (Mountains) are located in Wyoming

To be continued…

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom    

Before you assume… learn the facts!
Before you judge… understand why!
Before you hurt someone… feel!
Before you speak… think!

2.  Famous Quotes

Who is credited for saying the following quote?

“This is my simple religion.  There is no need for temples.  No need for complicated philosophy.  Our own brain, our own heart is our temple.  The philosophy is kindness.”


Famous Quotes  (Previous Game)

Who is credited for saying the following quote?

“Don’t ask what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country!”

Answer:   John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States & Navy Hero
3. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question:  Are we (Snoopy, Linus and cb) considered Liberal or Conservative?

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: Michael spent his first two years right out of HS and in the military (USAF) living in what state?

Answer:  The Republic of Texas, from Aug 1977 – Sep 1979. He was in Europe for 3 of those months in the Autumn of 1978.

Snoopy begs that you please, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb