Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Good Sense of Humor is so Hard to Come By these Days!

1. For What It’s Worth

I love my dog Snoopy because she is loves me unconditionally and is always loyal and nonjudgmental!

Did you ever make a funny comment on some photo on Facebook and someone took offense to it for no apparent reason?  Yeah, like it happens every damn day, right? Hey maybe they thought it reflected upon them but was never intended to be? For example, someone posted some girls who worked at one of these sports bars and they dress provocatively, sort of like the girls at Hooters for example.  So I make a comment saying something like, “See what kind of job you can look forward to if you don’t go to college?”  Well, apparently they thought it was maybe about them since they did not graduate from college, or that I was saying these girls are useless to society or whatever.  It only was a frigging joke! Sort of like the strippers at the strip club who are always working their way through college via the skank method.  As long as you do it in the name of education, all is good, right? Then he tells me to “stay classy as always.” Funny, he is telling me to stay classy and he is the one at the sports bar with girls that have everything out on display for everyone.  WTF is that all about?

I then made another comment about the Chicago Cubs pulling out a come from behind win in the ninth inning, I said, Well, that’s a first” and they said, “Don’t you have anything positive to say about anyone but yourself or your dog?  I don’t recall me saying anything positive about myself or my dog ever!  Do you guys ever recall that ever happening?  I‘m usually the one making fun of our situation, me being her butler and all.  Have the balls to say that crap to my face, you tough guys. It is funny people can think they can say anything they want on FB and there won’t be any repercussions for their smart mouths because of the miles between us. I will get on a plane and fly back to knock someone’s teeth out for making smart mouth comments to me. It has happened before and it can happen again.  I refuse to give these folks any more of my energy or time.  Let’s roll…

I found out in yesterday’s staff meeting that the project I am working on with the short deadline to meet the first milestone has been pushed back to Aug 2015, which is fantastic! So, the next milestone is this summer some time, which is definitely doable.  Usually the coordination cycle on this kind of project can take months to get input, revise the document with revisions submitted and get everything all cleaned up for the big wigs to sign off on it. I should have my first draft ready for review my next Monday, if all goes well.  It is nice to work on a project but not be too rushed for once.

I was gonna talk about how great me and my dog are, but I already got blasted  by two punks yesterday for doing just that! J

The repairs on the bicycle are working nicely. I have access to all my gears now and they actually change when I shift and not five minutes later whenever they decided to do so. It makes the commute much nicer when you can pedal in the gear you want to be in.

Linus is a Westfalia Deluxe Campermobile. A Westfalia is those VW buses you see with the white roof cap on them that actually pops up for camping.  I used to call them, Westafaris, slang for what a hippie or a Rastafarian would drive. Now they have t-shirts with that very name on them in stock.  I gotta get one of those shirts.  I think that is just too funny.

I went by the sporting goods store to get me a rifle cleaning kit for my rifle.  I haven’t cleaned it and it has been quite a while since I fired it and I know it could use a good cleaning.  I also tried to get some ammo, but they were all out of the caliber I needed.  I also wanted to get some new sneakers as well since mine are pretty shabby and at least 2 or 3 years old I am guessing, but they did not have what I wanted in stock. I figured it was about time to break down and get some new ones now that I can really afford to do so. It was a very sad time financially there for a while and I am glad it is over with.  I also picked up a new pair of sport sunglasses while I was there.

2. Musical Band Alternate Name Game

Clue:    Large slab of baked ground beef                  Answer:  ?????

Last Post’s Musical Band Alternate Name Game

Clue: = A very flat prairie state       Answer:  Kansas

3. Television Trivia

Clues:                                      Answer: ???

Robinson Family
Jupiter II
Dr Smith
Robot companion


4. How Well Do We Know Each Other?

This is a new feature we are proposing to play. I ask you guys a question about myself, and you provide me an answer.  In turn, you also tell me your response to that question about yourself.

For example: 

My Question:  What beverage does Michael drink in the morning?

Your Answer to my Question:  Coffee

Your Response to My Question:  I drink orange juice (or whatever)…

See how it works?  Okay, here we go…

My Question:  If I could visit any continent, what continent would that be?

Your Answer to my Question: 

Your Response to My Question: 


Snoopy leads by example, and she wants you all to “Bark Less & Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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