For What It’s Worth
Sometimes during the workweek I go to bed really early so it
seems like I get to sleep in, especially when I fall asleep on the couch
unintentionally! J That actually happened to me last night, once
again. I think when I take my meds for
my bad back it kicks in so fast that before I know it, I am off to see the
sandman. Then I wake up and go to bed.
Then around 3 AM my body is thinking it is time for me to get up for
work, but I then realize that I have a couple of hors still to sleep. So, take
that, damn “internal clock”, I get to sleep in for a couple of more hours! J
I saw a new television show the other night, via DVR of
course, called The Resurrection. It was a strange show unlike any that I have
ever seen before. It looks to be quite interesting and I was really surprised
that this kind of show was even on network television. I am really curious
where this show will lead us.
I don’t believe anyone is even reading these blog posts
anymore. I guess I’ll quit wasting my
time and energy and concentrate on other things. I enjoy writing them but I rarely get any
feedback and readership has been quite sparse lately. Our readership was pretty
high at one point but lately it seems to have does down quite a bit. Maybe it is time to move on to another project
to delve into? Maybe I should just concentrate on my other writing projects and
move away from the human and personal interaction? What do you all think?
I have been lazy this year and I have not shaved that
much. I have a 2½ month-old beard that is
currently covering my face. I just ran
into a couple of people that I have not seen in a while here at work and one
asked me what happened to my long hair and one asked about the beard. Besides work, most of my friends here locally
like it, but I am still not too sure about it.
Boy, there sure is a lot of grey hair that grows on my face now! I was not too sure how much of it was grey,
but I can now see that almost all of it is that color now. When I do finally
decide to shave it off, I have always shaved off a little over a few days just
to try different facial looks. I hope to remember to take photos of the
process, then I can do a reverse timeline growth kind of a thing and make it
look like it all grew in at different stages.
I guess nobody has been playing the new games lately
anymore. Like I said before, I get
little or no feedback from anyone, so what fun is that? It is like a monologue and not a dialogue
like we wanted it to be. It is more like
a journal than anything else I guess. Whenever I state that I am thinking about
not continuing the blog, I get feedback from others that say they do read
it. I plan on adding a lot of photos
during our road trip to help illustrate some of our sights and adventures. I am
waiting for a good sale or some big discount before I pull the trigger on the
new Go Pro Silver Edition Camera, which is the model I finally decided on to
get. I’ll get a windscreen mount for the Linus-cam, a tripod and maybe some kind
of body mount apparatus for usage. Maybe even a mount so we can have the
Snoopy-cam! J
Nobody responded to the last couple of games we posted, so I
guess we don’t need to provide anymore until maybe somebody does. Why should we
waste good information for nothing, right?
Snoopy leads
by example, and she wants you all to “Bark Less & Wag More!”
Until next
time… Be Good!
- cb
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