Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The second Tuesday in December, the 10th…

The second Tuesday in December, the 10th

Just two more weeks until Christmas Eve, my favorite day of the year.  Why Christmas Eve?  The anticipation of what the day brings I guess.  I was the kid that loved all the brightly colored wrapped gifts under the tree.  I loved the way it looked and the anticipation of what could be under there waiting for us all, especially on Christmas morning after Santa had been there.  In our house, Santa never wrapped his gifts to us.  He did not have time for that.  Instead, all five of us kids would put our shoes under the tree on Christmas Eve and in the morning we knew our shoes would be with our gift from Santa.  The same thing went for the Easter holiday.  There was no feeling ever like coming down the stairs at our first house and walking (who am I kidding, running is more accurate!) into the living room and seeing Santa’s gift from across the room.  It was the most magical moment probably in my life that I remember.  Life was so good back then, wasn’t it?

Today’s music trivia is a rock band I discovered in the early 90s due to their great drummer, Chad Gracey.  Their 1994 album, “Throwing Copper” sold 8 million copies and some of their hits include, “Lightning Crashes”, “Selling the Drama”, and “I Alone”.  A heavy sounding band, can you name this American Rock band?

I actually watched some football last night on Monday Night Football.  The Chicago Bears opened a can of whoop-ass on the Dallas Cowboys on national TV and I loved every minute of it.  I looked pretty cold back home last night and I was glad to be relaxing warmly on my sofa with the front door wide open at home with Snoopy.  She looked at the TV and saw all the people freezing and then she shivered and crawled underneath the blanket with me that I was utilizing.  She can be a funny dog at times and she cracks me up.  She has the soul of a clown that keeps me entertained on a daily basis.

I splurged for lunch today and had a Burger King Chicken sandwich & fries.  It has been a while since I had fast food/junk food in my body.  I may have to pedal extra hard on the bicycle to work this off tonight on the way home. I hope my automatic nap tendency does not kick in during these next few hours.  I’ll be in a world of hurt then.

I have a short, 3 day workweek this week due to an appointment I have with my attorney as well as my day off on Friday.  I would like to go camping again but it may be too cool for my friend who usually brings her bus (Lucy) and then we all go together.  I don’t mind to coolness at night, in fact I sleep pretty well when I camp, but she is always concerned with her 10-year old daughter, Sabrina.  I know it would be fine for Sabrina, but she is a worrier and it is her daughter. I was hoping the camping group folks we met recently were going to contact us for camping again, but we never heard back from them.  I guess we will probably wait until after the holidays to plan our next campout.

I’ve been trying to break Snoopy from eating food that I have not given her. If she can get to a plate that has had food on it, she will try to get to it to eat what remains leftover, even if it is knocking over things on the counter or wherever.  She is about to get a rude awakening if she keeps up the bad behavior. I might have to reinstate the wearing of the training collar, that I paid good money for, just to see if it helps any with this negative behavior of hers.  I’m getting tired of coming home to a big mess because she thought she needed something off of my plate.  She better get back in line and start flying right, otherwise she will have hell to pay for her actions.

Wag more… Bark Less…

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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