Friday, December 20, 2013

Phil Robertson... and WWJD?

Phil Robertson

I did not hear exactly what Happy, Happy, Happy, Phil had to say, but I guess it brought on a storm of various opinions from people.  First of all, everyone has the freedom of speech in this country.  But that does not mean you are exempt from the repercussions of what you say, especially if you say it in public.  I heard he said some things about the gay & lesbian lifestyle, probably quoting directly from the bible. 

Are you aware that the bible was written by men (not any women writers back then) who never even met Jesus?  WWJD?  Do you think Jesus would say these G&L people are not his children? Do you think he would say they have no right to enter into heaven?  When he said love one another, what do you think he meant?  Only love those you approve of?  I believe he meant to love everyone, even those much different than you.  Love one another, such an easy concept, but maybe hard to do at times.  I know it is hard to love that driver who just cut you off and flipped you the finger.  But he meant love that idiot too. The impatient or rude person Christmas shopping that basically grabbed the item you were going to buy right away from you or took the parking space at the mall that you were waiting for.  Yeah, he meant love that dumbass too.  He said love one another, even and especially if it is hard to do.

I myself was pretty narrow-minded when I was younger about this lifestyle, until I actually met someone who was. In the music industry and dealing with artists, if you throw a rock, you are going to hit someone who is gay or lesbian.  That’s just the way it is.  Most of them are very talented artists who are loving and caring individuals.  Those people who are prejudiced against the G&L community probably never actually met or know anyone who is. It is like travelling, the more you travel the more you are eyes are open and you become more accepting of those around us.  

It’s all about freedom.  Phil has his right to say what he wants.  A&E has the right to broadcast shows they want.  Gays have the right to boycott Phil’s duck calls in the store.  (I think it would actually be pretty funny to see a gay guy duck hunting.) I would like to see a gay redneck.  That would be hilarious!  I can say I know some G&L people and I consider them my friends.  If you don’t like it, then that is your problem that you need to deal with yourself.  I don’t have a problem with it. You do!

In twenty years from now this discussion concerning prejudice will be as absurd as back in the 60s with Blacks and Hippies, or way back when with the Irish, or even now with the Mexicans trying to come to this country. Do I want to see G&L couples making out in public?  Of course not, just as I don’t want to see straight couples making out in public. What you do in your own domicile is your business and nobody else’s.  Rodney King, a victim of a horrible crime said it best, “Can’t we all just get along”.  I think we can. 

Maybe we should try to take care of each other instead of focusing on our differences?  Isn’t it our vast differences that makes us all unique as individuals?  I believe too many people are much too busy trying to put labels on each other.  They are trying to individuals into categories.  For example, did you know that Abercrombie & Fitch don’t make extra large garments? You know why? They don’t heavy people wearing their garments because they think they would be representing their company.  I am not one for wearing anything with a label, let alone wearing a sweatshirt with their name across it. I would never wear an A&F garment just because I don’t like paying to advertise their company. Who gives a damn who manufactures what you wear?  I just don’t get it.

In summary, love one another.  I figure the hippie generation is now coming into power.  Maybe they can remember the goodwill and love they felt back when they were young and promote that through positive actions?  I know we all dreamed of changing the world back then, maybe they can now fulfill that dream.

This holiday season, try being a little more tolerant of your fellow man.  Let that driver into traffic. Let that driver take that parking spot. Let that person with one item to pay for cut in front of you. It won’t cost you that much time, will it?

Love one another!  Isn’t that what it is all about?

Bark Less… and Wag More!

Until next time… Be Good

- cb

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