Friday, December 20, 2013

A Christmas Message

To my family and friends…

This year I won’t be able to travel back home to Chicagoland for the holidays. I really don’t have any vacation time saved up currently, and I am also pretty broke now. I do hope to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy & Prosperous New Year!  2013 was not one of my best years, so I say goodbye to it and hope 2014, my last year of my being active in the workforce, is smooth sailing and I can depart happily knowing I did my best to be productive serving my fellow man.

On another note, this year on December 21 marks the 10-year anniversary of the passing away of my Mother, Janie.  To all that knew my Mom, she was one not to mess with.  She was a firm but fair individual who had a lot of patience and understanding, especially if she raised some of us younger kids.  A few of us kids were a handful but she managed pretty well, if you ask me.  I miss my folks every single day and I do a lot of talking to them hoping for some guidance or some advice to leak through to me, because lord knows I could use some help some days.  My Mom gave me pretty much all she could while she was here on Earth.  When she passed away, I could not go see her and say my goodbyes to her.  That would have been too much for me.  The last time I physically saw her at her 70th birthday, she was in pretty poor shape.  I did not want my last remembrance of her to be more tainted than it already was.  So, I elected to stay behind all alone when the remainder of my family went to the funeral home to say their goodbyes. I spoke to her in my own way and said goodbye.  I know she is still watching over me.

I love you Mom and think about you and Dad every day!  Thanks for giving all you gave to such an insecure kid.  Your patience and understanding with such an inquisitive and hyper kid molded me into the person I am today.  Before I go down some path in life, I now think to myself, “What would my Mom do in this situation?” You infinite wisdom rings true in my ears on a daily basis and your fairness make me want to be more of a good human.  Thanks for opening my eyes to the possibilities life has to offer, and I know that I don’t always do or say the right things, but I do have the wisdom to later know my mistakes and try to change for the better.  You were/are the best Mom in the world, especially to me.  I am thankful for that every day of my life.  I hope that I made you proud! I hope to see you in heaven some day and I can again be graced by your presence.  I love you!

Your son,

- Michael Joseph

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