Tuesday, December 24, 2013

My favorite day of the year, Christmas Eve…

My favorite day of the year, Christmas Eve…

Today’s music trivia is not really a rock band, but they are an American ska-core band from Boston recording their debut album in 1989. I came across this band in the mid 1990s and really liked their music.  Some of their more memorable songs include, “The Rascal King”, “The Impression That I Get”, “Numbered Days”, and one of my favorites, “Another Drinkin’ Song”.  Their most popular album, “Let’s Face It” was released in 1997.  Can you name this ska-punk, ska-core band?

I have been told by several of you readers that I should do more writing, maybe even a novel.  Well, I have thought about it and a couple of months ago I began putting down some words to paper, per se, to maybe consolidate into some kind of written collage or essay. I guess it is sort of like an autobiography or a timeline of my life. The different chapters are actually different chapters in my life.  The time I spent with someone or doing this or that.  My time performing some kind of job or task or even recapping time I spent with a friend or girlfriend.  I’ll probably have to change the names to protect the innocent and the guilty. 

All of these experiences in life make up the person that I have become, good & bad.  I have been lucky in love, probably more lucky than I ever deserved, and self-destructive just as well. I have sabotaged myself at times and look back and wonder why the hell did I do this or that. Why did I have to be a complete ass to someone that I really cared about? Why did I break up with someone because I feared and was afraid of commitment?  Why did I push people away that just wanted to help me? Why did I choose just to walk away from this person at that time in my life?

Towards the end of the year, I tend to go through the process of a self-examination of myself and my life.  Where am I?  Am I really in a place that I want to be?  Has the past year been a good one?  What can I learn from the experiences I have been through recently?  What mistakes were costly and did I benefit from that blunder?  Am I ashamed of any behavior I have put out there in the cosmos?  Is karma treating me right or am I getting my just desserts? Are my negative actions doing a full circle and coming back to me?  Did I treat my fellow man with respect and kindness?  Did I forgive my enemies for their negative actions upon me?  Was I good to myself?  I always seem to ask a lot of questions.

Well, this is another Christmas holiday that I’ll be here all alone, not counting Snoopy, the Wonderdog!  I really have no vacation time saved up to go anywhere anyways and I am very broke at the time, so I really had no choice in the matter. My Christmas gift giving this holiday season is severely restricted due to attorney fees, alimony payments, auto registrations due and various other bills that have been haunting me.  I don’t think I have ever been this broke, but, as the Beatles said, all I really need is love.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones!

Snoopy says, as always, Bark Less and Wag More!

Until next time… Be Good… and love your fellow man!

- cb and Snoopy too!

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