Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Last Monday in January 2014

Today’s music trivia is one of Rock & Roll’s best three member Canadian band of all time. Known for their killer lead guitar licks, awesome drumming (Arguably the best rock drummer of all time) and unique voice of their lead singer (you either love it or hate it), these guys continue to tour and release albums on a regular basis. A little known fact is that the drummer (who writes basically all the lyrics) has been riding his motorcycle to every gig for quite a few years, here in North America and on other continents as well.  Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2013 (what took so long?), this band continues to rock the dump even after over 40 years of playing kick ass music.  In fact, their guitarist gave his famous three minute, “Blah, blah, blah” speech at their induction ceremony, which they were honorably introduced by The Foo Fighter’s, Dave Grohl. Well known as big baseball and hockey fans (They are from Canada), they even named one of their albums, “Fire on Ice”. Songs such as “Spirit of Radio”, “Limelight”, and “Tom Sawyer”, this band has a very loyal following of fans attending their concerts, no matter the state of the economy. One of my all-time favorites, can you name this awesome three-member Canadian Rock & Roll band?

Today I was reading an article and I heard a term that I never heard before.  This article was written by the drummer of today’s Music trivia and he mentioned the term, “Shunpikers” which means, “Those who avoid all major roads”.  He was saying that when he rides his motorcycle to his gigs, that he takes the back roads and no major roads, sort of like what we plan on doing on our US Tour next year.  We want to avoid all major roads if possible, so I guess we will be considered Shunpikers.  As we mentioned before another term, “Boondocking” is camping anywhere without paying or paying very little to camp and not in a campground.  So I guess we will be Boondocking Shunpikers. That term sounds just too funny!   Sounds like a good name for a rock and roll band! J

So, in general, I know where I’m going, but not how I’m going to get there! I believe each and everyday we will decide which direction to travel and then most likely change it on the fly. We will be spontaneous and flexible on our daily route to travel, but events and festivals may dictate our flexibility or lack of. Somebody once said, “Don’t leave spontaneity to chance.” Some days to attend a festival we may need to be steadfast in our travels in order to catch some scheduled event, so we need to take that into account before totally winging it and throwing all your scheduled plans out the window.

I continue to have issues with my internet access, Facebook, and just doing general tasks on-line.  Sometimes it won’t load a photo and sometimes it just takes forever.  I spend good money to have the best internet access (MIFI) and the best electronic equipment such as Apple products, and ut just pains me that things just don’t work seamlessly. I need to get proficient with all this technology before my road trip next year. I’ll be depending on some of this gear to get me to places, give me internet access for information, and for us to post our regular blog entries. I have so much to learn in such a short period of time.  I still do not have my auxiliary battery system operation down pat yet. Snoopy is depending on me to be her Information Technology (IT) support person since she has no thumbs! J  I do think she thinks I’m her butler. Spoiled puppy!

I was texting with a friend, and she said something at the hotel’s buffet had too much cheese.  That is unheard of I thought.  Isn’t that like saying, there is too much crispy bacon here. How can someone with a conscience actually say those words to anyone? WTF is going on here? Someone please wake me up from this nightmare!  J

Okay… time to head for home.

The Snoopburger says… Bark Less and Wag More!

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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