Friday, January 17, 2014

It's a Great Day today!

Today’s music trivia is a 4-member band from Los Angeles with three consistent members and a rotating fourth member, the lead guitarist.  They are actually a funk rock, alternative rock, funk metal band that began back in 1983 and are still together today. With ten albums produced, they have won seven Grammys and in 2012 they were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Known for their wild on-stage antics and strange costumes, this band is always a good show to watch, let alone they really jam. We actually saw them when they showed up at a tribute concert for George Clinton and the Funkadelics, and they stated that they never would of gotten into music if it was not for him.  With hit songs such as, “Scar Tissue”, “Higher Ground”, “Aeroplane”, and “Californication” getting lots of airplay, this American band is one of the most successful bands to continue to put out great music.  Their lead singer Anthony seems to always be shirtless as well as their bass player “Flea”. Chad, their drummer, is also a founding member of the rock band “Chickenfoot”. Also known as “RHCP”, can you name this funky rock band?

Congrats to Lisa K for correctly identifying “R.E.M.” as yesterday’s featured musical artist.  As always, I owe you, Maynard! J

Today is a happy day for me, for today is my last day I have to pay alimony to my ex! Now I have just one more year to pay off my visa bill, which has grown to over $20,000.00.  This is only $10,000.00 less than I was paying her, so I should be able to accomplish this before retirement on January 5, 2015, in just 353 days! 

I woke up today with a slight hangover. This is the first time I have had one in years and I had thought I had been immune to them, but apparently not today. I woke up about 4AM and was not feeling that well. I ended up turning off my wake up alarm and resumed sleeping in an extra hour after taking some meds for my head.  When I awoke, I felt much better, so I jumped into the shower, quickly got dressed and then bicycled into work.  Feeling okay at the moment but I sure could use a nap, like always. I think we should adopt the Mediterranean culture and shut down mid-day for a two-hour siesta. I myself think that would be a great idea!

Another slow Friday here at work.  The boss has already left early today, like he always seems to do on Fridays, which means I am now the HMFIC (Head Mother F*cker In Charge).  So, we know he always leaves early to beat the weekend traffic when he goes to his weekend pad in Palm Springs. So that is our indication to do what needs to be done.  What’s good for the goose, is good for the gander. 

It’s a three-day weekend for us to observe Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday.  Did you know that Arizona is the only state that does not observe this holiday. You have to be pretty prejudiced to not vote for a paid holiday, that’s all I have to say.  Arizona is also the only state that does not change their clocks for Daylight Savings time. I guess all that having to change your clocks is just too much confusion for these poor pitiful folks who actually like living in the desert.  I have been to the desert and you could not pay me enough to ever live there. New Mexico was bad enough, but Arizona? Screw that! Never in a million years would I ever want to live there.  My little sister and her family live there. I will visit, but I gotta go after a few days.  The desert life is just not for me. I guess living in west Texas for 2 years was enough desert living for me.  I was so glad to leave that place and move to California. The differences between the two places is like night and day.  I love it here so much and I hated Texas with a passion.  That is two years out of my life that I’ll never get back!

As Snoopy continues to say, Bark Less and Wag More!

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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