Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday, Aug 29, 2014

For What It’s Worth - 127 days and counting...

Happy birthday to my Great-nephew Tyler Hill and to Mr Michael Spratt!
Holiday Weekend
It’s the Labor Day weekend, the observed and unofficial “End of Summer” holiday.  Here in Southern California, there are always plenty of parties and BBQs happening all over the place.  Back in the 90s when I lived in Hermosa Beach, I would grab my 35mm camera and a pocket full of film and just walk down the strand, which is basically a sidewalk on the beach provided for bicycling, rollerblading, walking, etc and crash different lively parties along the way and just start shooting photos of peeps at the parties.  This was long before the day of everyone having cameras on their cell phones flooding all media with selfies.  After running out of film I would find the party host and in a few days return with photos of their party guests.  Later I figured out it was just easier to hand them the film I shot and let them incur the expense of getting the film developed.  Someday when I do switch over to another 35mm camera, I will of course switch over to the digital capability.  I do plan on getting one some day, hopefully before the road trip, money permitting.

The Digital Age
I do like the capability of being able to review the photos taken right then and there, but I do miss the artistic side of photography just using the camera on my iPhone 5s.  I mean, there is not much creativity with a point and shoot camera.  I guess a lot can be done in post production with all the software tools out there that are available.  I do look forward to learning more about the digital editing capabilities.  I figure I’ll have plenty of time to learn and read up after I retire.  

Yesterday my hiking/camping boots I ordered for our US road trip arrived at the crib.  Now I have to get them broken it nicely so I can avoid any chance of blisters forming.  I anticipate these being my day-to-day footware, along with sneakers and sandals.  I also want to spray them really well with scotchgard water repellant to repel water and keep my feet nice and dry.  My older boots I got in the early 80s and I figured I could use a new pair, especially since I got them on sale for about fifty bucks.  They look like they will suffice for my purposes, but I have not tried them on yet.  I was just too lazy last night and didn’t want to bother with lacing them up.  It’s on my to do list for the weekend among plenty of other tasks that I have been procrastinating on doing. 

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom

If you haven’t grown up by age 50, you don’t have to! :) 
Snoopy always says, “Wag More and Bark Less!”

Until next time... Be Good!

- cb

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