For What It’s Worth - 124 Days and counting
Happy birthday to my former colleague and buddy, Mr Dick Margeson!
The Decades of the 80s and 90s
This weekend there was a mini series documentary on the decades of the 80s and 90s. I somehow got sucked into watching them for hours between doing laundry and doing various other chores. As you get older you tend to remember where you were when you see events from the past. It was a surreal flashback in time for me. The 80s were so much different from the 90s, sort of like night and day I would guess. The 80s was all about excess and living large while the 90s were all about freedom and the electronic age coming to fruition. If you get a chance to see it, you might get sucked into watching it also.
Short Workweek
This is a short workweek for me. We had the Labor Day holiday yesterday on Monday and tomorrow we have a Dodger baseball game event with work peeps, Thursday I have scheduled off and Friday is my day off. It will be probably one of the last really short workweeks of the year, so I really need to enjoy it thoroughly. Sort of like a mini retirement! :)
Getting Older
I must really be getting older. I don’t have much desire to stay out late drinking with buddies (sorry Will), some of the music coming out is quite terrible, I have less interest in watching, let alone playing sports and new electronic gadgets that tend to boggle the mind seem to come out almost weekly. I swear if you walked through a Best Buy on a weekly basis you will see some new electronic gadget on the shelf that has never been seen before! New toys for us all to play with!
Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom
Be the person that makes others feel special.
Be known for your kindness and grace.
Snoopy asks that you please… “Bark Less and Wag More!”
Until next time… Be Good!
- cb
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