Thursday, September 18, 2014

TBT, September 18, 2014

For What It’s Worth                           - 103 Days and counting

It was suggested that we write something for Throwback Thursday, so we will give it a try.  

Motorcycle Roadtrip
As most of you know, I have always wanted to travel around the USA.  In 1984, my friend Billy Pierce and I decided we would take a 10 day motorcycle road trip, camping out most of the time along our route.  We really did not have any destination in mind, but we knew we wanted to cruise up Pacific Coast Highway along the to check out the wonderful scenery.  We both had friends who recently had moved up to Northern California, one in the mountains in a small place called, Twain Harte, and one up in the Grass Valley area. 

So early one morning in July, my buddy met me at my place in Loma Linda, and we took off at 5 AM heading west on the 10 freeway to Santa Monica.  At @ 6:30 AM we pulled into one of the parking lots at one of the the Santa Monica beaches and dismounted to stretch our legs and survey one of our maps.  It was a slightly foggy morning, and I recall the air being crisp and cool.  I knew from this great start that it was going to be a fun trip.

After a 15 minute break we mounted up again and headed north on PCH with no schedule or destination in mind.  It is a great feeling heading out of town being in no hurry because it was the journey that was our enjoyment, not any particular destination that we had in mind.  We rolled northwards on our iron steads feeling good about life and the adventure that lied ahead of us.  It was good to finally be a part of something that I had desired to do for oh so long.  Before we knew it we were out of the LA basin and heading out of town northbound on PCH slog the coastline.  Life was good and I remember specifically saying to myself, this is what enjoying life is all about.  Don’t take it for granted. Enjoy every moment of it that you can. 

As always, I was looking to avoid the freeways and larger roads preferring the old country roads, backroads, and two lane highways that make up most of the roads in America.  This trip was no exception as we travelled past Ventura and Santa Barbara on Highway 1 skirting along the coast as much as possible.  I recall some tight corners in some hilly areas near Vandenberg Air Force Base, and having to deal with the contrasting landscapes in and out of sun and dark shadows.  It became a bit tricky dealing with all of the dark shadows and tight 15 MPH curves along with constant elevation changes.  Being loaded down with two heavily loaded saddlebags as well as a tent and sleeping bag strapped on my passenger seat behind me didn’t help the situation at all.  There were a few moments that all my experience riding motorcycles came into play, especially going downhill around some of those tight corners with all that excess weight and having to deal with all the shadows and bright sunlight.  Good thing that condition was only for maybe an hour or so because it was quite the challenge.  I was glad to pull over under a bridge and take a break for a while to stretch my legs and unclench my teeth.  It was a well deserved break much needed. 

To Be Continued…

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom    

I have never faked a sarcasm in my life.

Snoopy asks that you please… “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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