Dear Mom…
Happy birthday!
You would of been 81 years old today if you had not be taken to be in a better place. I am glad that your pain is gone and you are having a lot of quality time now. I do miss your smile and your words of wisdom. You lead by example and I hope I have learned from your teachings and how you lived your life.
You were the most fair person I ever met. Nobody ever treated me better than you did. I know I was a handful at times as a kid, but you knew exactly how to handle me. You made me think for myself more than anyone ever before or after, which I am gratefully thankful for. You gave me the tools so I could think for myself, plan accordingly, and try to be a better person. For that I am so thankful for. Thank you for being exactly who you are.
I know after you passed over I did not go to the funeral home to see you one last time. I just could not do it. I knew you had already gave me everything I needed and the last time I saw you was enough for me. I did not need to see you laying there lifeless because you had already left there. I apologize if it was offensive, but that was not my intent. I hope you know that.
For six months afterwards on my drive into work, I saw a bird through my sunroof, maybe it was a hawk, I am not sure, but this bird would follow me as I drove along the coast and when I turned east it turned with me. I knew it was your spirit following me, letting me know I was not alone. It was there every single day, flying right above me as I drove my car. I remember later, after Dad died there were now two birds that did the same thing, following me in the morning. I assumed it was you both. That lasted about a week and I remember one morning talking to you both with tears in my eyes and saying that I appreciated you and Dad being there for me and I said it was okay that you guys go forward to your next destination. As I turned east I saw the birds turn west out over the ocean and fly off. I never saw the birds again. Thank you both for that! It was reassuring that you knew I needed you there for me one last time and it was time for us to part. I hope to see you both when it is my turn to cross over to a new destination. I will need you then too.
Happy birthday Mom! I love you so very much!
Love, always and forever,
Your son,
Michael Joseph
This letter is very touching. I haven't read the blog for a bit and today I found your post on FB and decided to catch up. I have some things going on in my life that makes this letter even more touching and brings tears to my eyes. Michael your mom loved you and is watching over you every day.