Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

For What It’s Worth - 112 Days and counting

Happy belated birthday to the twins, Tommy & Johnny G!  I love you guys!

I’ve changed my countdown number to reflect the end of the year since those two days in the new year are not really workdays.  New Years Day is a holiday… and Jan 2 is my out processing day, so it only makes sense to adjust that date accordingly.  Anything to get closer to that day works for me.

Being 54
The difference between being 54 years old and being 55 is like night and day.  I am eligible to retire at the age of 55, which is a very nice feeling indeed.  Like the old song says, I can tell them all to “Take this job and shove it, I ain’t working here no more!”  Actually, I’ll be here for a few more months, but having the option to go out the door anytime I wish is quite nice.  It is a good feeling I can’t wait to feel, after all these years.

Having September 11 as a birthday
Yeah, it’s true… September 11 is my birthday.  Whenever people find this out their first response is, “So sorry!”  I get the sympathy response for some reason.  I guess society somehow found a way to try to take my birthday away from me, which kinda sucks for the moment.  I will make every attempt to keep it a joyous occasion, even though peeps keep trying to pull me down into the abyss.  I’ll be partying tomorrow evening, that is for sure.  I guess we will see what happens… :)

Taking Friday Off
I will most likely be taking this Friday off of work to recover from any celebration activities that may occur tomorrow night.  It is best to plan ahead in these types of situations.  I just have this feeling that this Friday morning might be a rough morning.  So if you see there was no blog posted on Friday, then you will know that I took the day off of work, and of course there would not be a blog posted that day.  Just know that when we finally get retired and are out in the country traveling, that we won’t be posting our blog on a daily basis.  Life will be too much fun to do so, but the content of our blog posts will beef a higher quality and with new adventures being documented.

Retirement Package
I have my Retirement Package almost complete, which I plan on mailing in next week.  It will take several months to process, so I am hoping mine gets processed as soon as possible.  Personnel actions takes so long to get accomplished, and I’m sure they have a huge backlog of paperwork piled up on their desks.

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom    

Drama does not just walk into your life.
Either you create it, invite it, or associate with it.

Snoopy asks that you please… “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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