Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                                                       - 248 Days

A nice and quiet evening Snoopy and I shared last night just watching some TV and chillin’ at the crib. It was not much for excitement, but life does not need excitement 24/7, does it?  I don’t believe it does, which is nice.

We watched our two TV shows that we DRV’d last night, Believe and Resurrection. Believe is kind of predictable, but Resurrection seems to have some twists and turns each and every week. Next week’s show should be interesting to say the least. What the heck is going on? Very interesting plot twists!

A coworker gave me one of her Crock Pots that she had at home. I guess she had a couple and realized that she did not need them all. The one she gave me is huge, which I would prefer a much smaller one so we could take it on the road with us. I guess I can use this one to learn how to use it since I have never really used one ever. I thought it would be good to learn so I could just throw some veggies, rice and maybe some meat in it and have it cook up slowly while we are on the road or maybe while we are out exploring. That way I am not a slave to cooking dinner each night when I can start it early and have it just slow cook and be ready later when I want it.  It will be good to experiment with it a bit.

I guess I used up a lot of my data allocation this month from Verizon watching You Tube videos about camping, boondocking and living in a van or RV.  It sure does go quickly when you do that. I used up about 90% already and my reset date is after the 3rd of the month, so I gotta start being frugal these next few days until it resets.  Too bad they don’t roll over the unused data for the month before. L

2. Alternate Band Name Game

Clues: Surfers, not girls

Answer:   ???

Previous Alternate Band Name Game

The Infants
Late 70s and early 80s band
John Waite

Answer: The Babys

3. Television Trivia

The Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award
Here Comes the Judge
Goldie Hawn
Sock It To Me

Answer:  ????
Previous Post’s Television Trivia

1960s campy caped crime fighter
Bruce & Dick

Answer: Batman
4. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: What year did Michael graduate from college?

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: Can you guess what is on the wallpaper on Michael’s iphone?

Answer:  Photos of Snoopy!  J

Snoopy wants me to remind you to, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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