Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday, April 25, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth

Yesterday we did not post on our blog page. Back pain will do that to a person. Sorry Peeps! Snoopy enjoyed me being home at least! J

Well, the Blackhawks won in OT Wednesday night luckily. Their lackluster play has been disheartening to say the least. I hope tonight in St Louis they play like we know they can, like the Stanley Cup Champions that they are! Let’s go Blackhawks!

Be Prepared (The Boy Scouts taught me something)

Been watching a lot of You Tube videos concerning living and travelling in a VW bus or van. I’m just trying to get the most info I can so I can better prepare for this back roads road trip adventure I have been waiting for all my life. I believe to plan the best you can and just roll with whatever happens that you did not plan for. If your fan belt breaks out in the middle of nowhere, since it does not weigh or cost too much, it would be foolish not to carry a spare or two, right?

GoPro Camera

I am contemplating on buying a GoPro camera for videos as well as for quality still shots, and I would like to hear some opinions from you guys out there.  I am leaning towards getting the GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition and I would like to get some feedback from any of you that have used this product. The only digital camera I have ever owned is with my iphone 4 and then my iphone 5S. I did buy my ex a digital camera for either her birthday or for Christmas, I forgot which actually. It was an okay camera, but I’m looking for more capability, more quality photos and even better sound shooting videos. I also hate the digital delay I experienced with that camera.

So, you all you techies out there, let me know your thoughts. This will be used daily on our 2015 road trip and beyond so we can post visual stuff on this blog page. I’ll probably wait until the last minute to purchase one to ensure I get the most latest and greatest one out there or whenever the price drops with Christmas sales or after Christmas sales. I really don’t need one right now except to experiment with it and get familiar with its capabilities. Today, for instance, I just found out that there is no viewfinder for the camera unless you download some software onto your smartphone or tablet. I guess that would take up too much space and increase costs?  Sounds kind of stupid but I guess it is primarily used for action and sports videos. I guess you just can’t have everything. L

I also need to get a new tripod since mine is ancient and not very good. It has seen better days, I tell you. I need a nice and sturdy one I can rely on to work well. I did order a new windscreen mount phone holder for my iphone5s since my phone did not fit into my iphone4 holder. This new one is adjustable so it should fit almost any phone I may get in the future. I also bought some of that doorway mesh screening with magnets for the sliding door opening for the bus so I can leave the side door open for more ventilation during the hot days. I hope Snoopy doesn’t find out that she can pass through it. That’s all I need is for her to get out and take off running loose again. She runs so fast and when she sees you coming for her she takes off again.  I need to stop that behavior from her.

I’ve been doing a bit of online shopping lately, which I like because I don’t have to go to the mall or out to the store to shop for things I need. I also like when boxes arrive at my domicile and I get to open them. It is kind of like Christmas as a kid when you get to open all the new gifts. As an adult you don’t get to experience that feeling again very often. It is kinda nice. I recently bought some new all cotton shirts from Old Navy (I like to call them Old Gravy) and then I realized that they could use some ironing. Well, my iron I had I bought in Sep 1985 and it was on it’s last legs, so since I was not sure where it is located (probably in a box someplace) I decided to buy a new one with T-Fal coating. I used one of these in a hotel a few times when I was on the road for work and it worked pretty nicely. It is a little more expensive than a normal one, but worth the extra money I believe. Like I always say, “Quality remains long after the price is forgotten!”

Yesterday I did an abnormal thing for me, I actually watched a movie on TV. It had been quite a while since I saw it (I think I may have been under the influence back then or maybe on meds) and I had forgotten how funny it was.  My friend’s son when he saw me last summer said I looked like “The Dude”, which I kind of agree with him. I did kinda look like him at the time, which was quite funny to me. It was shown on the Ovation channel and they bleeped a lot of the words out of the dialog, which I thought was pretty lame, especially for their channel. I thought they were always about the art of things and could not believe they censored their dialog.  It was strange they would do such a thing, but it was still funny as all get out.

I had a friend who apparently read some of my blog posts and she texted me saying that she was worried about me. She thought I was somehow sad and lonely. I was thinking to myself, WTF is that all about?  I am definitely not sad nor lonely what so ever. I told her that I was neither of those things and I don’t know why she would get that impression. She said it sounded like that I needed a woman in my life and I told her that I don’t need any woman in my life to be happy. I would like one to be in my life to make it better hopefully, but what I have been through these past few years, I can do without that turmoil for a long while.

I believe that a significant other should enhance your life, not make it seem happy. You should live your life to make yourself happy each and everyday, every moment that you can. You control your own happiness, each and every one of us has that power to be happy. It is up to us to decide that. A bunch of needless drama does nobody any good ever and I do what I can to avoid any drama, in my personal life, in my professional life, and in my inner soul and spiritual life. I do find that music helps me achieve that happiness and it is always there to pick me up and make my spirit bright. Why else would you want to dedicate your life to someone other than to live and share your precious time with?  I don’t even want to date anyone now just because I am concentrating on getting back in shape, getting myself ready to retire and prepping to go out on the road for a while. I don’t need to meet someone I want to spend quality time with then pine for them while I am out on the road instead of enjoying this adventure as I should. I don’t want to be in any hurry to get somewhere or get back to someone, I just want to enjoy the experience for what it is. I’ll be busy enough with exploring and enjoying different places, preparing meals, editing photos, posting on our blog, and taking care of Snoopy like the good butler I am. It will be the simple life, as life really should be for us all.

I saw this one You Tube video about this one guy who goes all around the country and gives presentations while he travels regarding the “on the road experience”. Hundreds of people sign up and he tells them about his experiences and gives peeps tips and pointers on how to do things while out enjoying their experience on the road.

There are lots of good videos to peruse and some good ideas are out there to gather and download into my memory banks. I just watched a video of someone using a personal portable washing machine, which was pretty good to know. I might have to get us one of those puppies to use while we are on the road. So this unit takes up a considerable amount of space when floor space is quite limited. I can see where it could come in handy but then again you have to store it someplace in a place that has very limited stowage area. I’ll have to see if I will really need it after being on the road for a while I guess. I could maybe use the inside of the unit to store some food or other materials I’ll have and need along the route. I guess that might work okay, but it still will take up a lot of valuable space that I need. I could always buy one while I am on the road if it really is feasible or I’ll just pay and use a Laundromat as originally planned.

2. Alternate Band Name Game

Clue: =  Aviation Jones =

Answer:   ?

Previous Alternate Band Name Game

Clue: Marconi invention - cabeza  = ??

Answer: Radiohead

3. Television Trivia

Saturday morning kids show in late 60s and early 70s
Fleegle (Beagle)
Bingo (Gorilla)
Drooper (Lion)
Snorky (Elephant)
Tra La La, La La La La…

Answer:  ????
Previous Post’s Television Trivia

This epic 1970s comedy show won many, many awards. 
It’s debut scene was a shot of an empty living room with the sound of a toilet flushing.
Edith, stifle yourself!

Answer: All In The Family
4. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question:  What band does Michael consider was the most influential in rock and roll?

Answer:  ??

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Michael played this one sport during all four years in High School. What was it?

Answer:  Tennis

Snoopy here… to remind you to, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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