Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday, April 17, 2014

                                                                    Go Blackhawks!

1. For What It’s Worth

I just realized this Sunday is Easter.  I really don’t celebrate it but I remember fond memories of Easter mornings and going to church. I remember doing double and triple duty as an Altar Boy doing multiple services some years. Our priests used to call them the C & E crowd, Christmas and Easter services attendees. The collection baskets seemed so full those days, even overflowing at times. It seemed that communion service went on forever also.  My arm would get tired from holding the little server tray under the chins of communion recipients.  I went to visit my parents in Arizona in the early 2000s during Easter weekend and when I woke up I had a visit from the Easter Bunny. My Mom told me, you can run, but you can’t hide!  My Mom was really the best person to raise me.  Always fair and always honest with me. She taught me a lot of how to treat people right and how to take care of others. I miss her and my Dad daily.  They both were great examples of how to be good humans!  I try to be worthy of the faith they had in me.

I have tons of boxes that I need to go through that are stored in my extra bedroom as well as in the garage. Most of the stuff I probably forgot that I have and the remainder of the stuff is probably stuff I really don’t need. I need to find some of my Porsche memorabilia so I can sell it in the classified ads in my Porsche Club of America National Magazine or our Regional newsletter.  I may have written about this subject before, so if I did, my apologies.

I do receive grief from some people about being Agnostic. That does not mean that I don’t believe in a higher being, it just means I am not sure who that may be, if anyone.  To some that means I am a bad person.  I believe that to be the contrary. I try to treat all people the same, with respect and kindness. I remember a friend of mine had a T-shirt made that said Atheist across the front and back. You would not believe what these so-called religious people would say to him.  Really hateful and hurtful things. His reply to them would be something like, I hope your God will bless you! They would look at him and make some other snide comment. Some religion they must be a part of.  John Lennon said it best, Imagine a world with no religion.

When I first got my VW Bus in September 2005, I had trouble finding just the right name for it. We had it named, Gus Gus the Bus, Kermit, Tudor the Turtle, Rolling Guacamole, and even Green-Go (Gringo).  We went through several names until I found the name that was just right, Linus! Linus is my own security blanket because I can sleep in it whenever I need to. It is my home on wheels and it can take me almost anywhere I want to go.

I am listening to Bob Dylan as I write this. Did you know that he is the original rapper? Screw all these other groups such as Run DMC, Tupac, Public Enemy or even The Beastie Boys.  Listen to Bob Dylan’s “Mr Tambourine Man” and then tell me that he is not rapping. He also was one of the first guys to ever do music videos. MTV came along about 15 years later.  And for you youngsters who don’t know their history, Bob Dylan was the voice of the sixties for many people. He also received so much flack when he went from his acoustic guitar and started playing the electric guitar.  The folk music movement had a fit and some considered him a traitor to his roots of folk music. He just explained that it was a natural transition of his music. That what artists do, they change with time and evolve as artists, otherwise they will do the same thing over and over again, which is not really art. The bands that learned to do this became iconic, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Queen, U2… all iconic and legendary bands that evolved into something significantly more.

Lately I have been coming across stupid names for people’s kids.  Don’t these parents know that their kid is going to have to go through life with their joke of a name?  I have seen some pretty stupid names such as Keshawna, Kindle, Neveah (Heaven backwards), Miley, Honey Boo Boo, Meadowsweet, and some other remarkably stupid names. What is wrong with Mary, Michael or just something traditional? You can always give them your own nickname, which is what I do with most kids I care about. Give these kids a break and name them something respectable.  Be a parent and not a Facebook post for all to marvel at your brilliance.

If you must, please name your dog something stupid if you must but back off the kids with strange names. If your kids have happened to name your grandchild a stupid name, I am sorry. Go kick your kid to the curb or go beat the crap out of them and give your grandchild a cute nickname that you will call them forever from now on. Some people should really not procreate and they actually identify themselves to everyone else by naming their kids something so very stupid.  I dare you to tell me you have named your kid something stupid and you better get ready to get quickly bitch-slapped. You have been forewarned!  Some of you get ready to duck a direct hit.  Sorry folks… I can’t help myself this time… Stupid people make me do some strange things!

I watched the second installment of the “Survivorman, Bigfoot” series last night.  Some more interesting footage and some strange sounds.  There was a close up shot that I don’t see how could have been faked unless they had a very expensive Hollywood costume or make up artist. I recommend that you try to catch these shoes and then make up your own mind. I believe he will get some footage of his own in due time since he is a filmmaker himself. He keeps saying that he won’t jump to any conclusions, but I believe he is leaning towards believing it himself.  At least he knows it can be at least plausible. 

For a week now I have wondered why they didn’t have a trail camera set on the apples they left out on the trees? Why didn’t they use an Infrared camera to measure heat signatures? Night vision cameras need to be used away from campfire flare up and ambient light overload. I know we don’t need to tell these well-known facts to a world-renowned filmmaker such as Les Stroud. He knows more about this than any of us casual weekly viewers do.  I know I am looking forward to seeing more of the same subject featured.

Does anyone else have trouble opening up videos when it gets closer to lunch time, or is it just me? I swear, everyday just before lunchtime accessing videos and some websites gets so difficult that it drives me crazy. The progress bar will go maybe a quarter of the way across and then just hangs up and goes no further. WTF is up with that? Stuff should just open up quickly and then begin to show it’s content. I should not have to constantly keep hitting the return to get it all to work. Then after wasting 15 or 20 minutes and getting nothing for your efforts, you give up and go on to another task at hand to work.

2. Alternate Band Name Game

Clue:  The United States

Answer:   ?

Previous Alternate Band Name Game

Clue: The largest of the seven continents?

Answer: Asia

3. Television Trivia

Late 60s & early 70s Cartoon Show
Politically risqué during cold war times
Villians Boris & Natasha
Frostbite Falls

Answer:  ?????
Previous Post’s Television Trivia


Risqué 70s Game Show
Gene Rayburn host
Questions with a blank needing filling in
Panel of six celebrities

Answer: The Match Game
4. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question:  Who was Michael’s baseball hero as a kid?

Switch-hitting Chicago Cubs Shortstop
Jersey Number 11
Retired Aug 2, 1979 from the White Sox
Last ever Player/Manager in Major League Baseball

Answer:  ??

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: There is one state out west that Michael has never visited and has always wanted to.  What is this state?

Clue: Big sky

Answer:  Montana

Tim B hit three for three yesterday getting all three of the above correct.

Snoopy wants me to remind you to, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be good!

- cb

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