Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday, April 28, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth

Well, the Blackhawks have showed what they are made of coming back from 0-2 in the first round to win four games straight to advance to the next level of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.  They seemed to really pick up the quality of their game compared to the first two games where it appeared they were playing lackluster and without any passion to win. It was good to have Brent Seabrook back from his three game suspension to help out on our defensive play, which looked really good yesterday. On to Round 2 of the playoffs! Let’s go Blackhawks!

Snoopy has been acting up these past few days by peeing on the carpet a couple of times.  I let her out several times during the day so I don’t know why she is doing this. I guess I need to let her out more times and maybe let her hang out outside more often.  It has been pretty nice weather-wise lately, so there is no excuse for her to remain inside lounging around and just sleeping all day. Maybe it is time to take her out for a bike ride for me and a nice run for her? Maybe she is trying to tell me she needs more exercise? I guess it can be a good idea for the both of us to get more exercise, right?

Portable Generator/Inverter
I am not too sure of my current capabilities of my system and I am not sure what I will want or need exactly. Talking with my neighbor, my auxiliary battery system will not be enough for what I really want as far as off the grid capabilities. Electrical issues are my weakness as far as trouble shooting goes I guess so I have been trying to educate myself lately on what I need to know. So, with that being said, I have been doing some research on a portable generator/inverter for this road trip next year. I am leaning towards the Yamaha ef2000is model, which should give us 1600 watts of constant power and up to 2000 watts surge capability. It is currently running just under $1000, but before I buy anything, I’ll wait until it goes on sale to get the best deal I can. If you are not in a big hurry, why pay full retail price for something if you can wait and maybe get it on sale, right? If you hear about a sale, please let us know, okay? J

2. Alternate Band Name Game

The Infants
Late 70s and early 80s band
John Waite

Answer:   ??

Previous Alternate Band Name Game

Clue:   Aviation Jones

Answer: Aerosmith

3. Television Trivia

1960s campy caped crime fighter
Bruce & Dick

Answer:  ????
Previous Post’s Television Trivia 
Saturday morning kids show in late 60s and early 70s
Fleegle (Beagle)
Bingo (Gorilla)
Drooper (Lion)
Snorky (Elephant)
Tra La La, La La La La…

Answer: The Banana Splits Adventure Hour
4. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question:  Can you guess what is on the wallpaper on Michael’s iphone?

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: What band does Michael consider was the most influential in rock and roll?

Answer:  The Beatles. No other band has changed the face of rock & roll more than The Beatles.

Snoopy wants me to remind you to, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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