Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 163 Days and counting

Road Trip Input Requested
We have been requesting input from you all regarding places to visit during our travels for quite some time now, and so far we have received little input what so ever.  This blog is supposed to be interactive, an exchange of ideas and experiences, not just a monologue of us rambling on about any subject we can think of.  But it appears to be the latter, which is a shame really.  We put time and effort into this blog and we need your feedback, ideas and support.  But since we get little or nothing in return, it is a shallow and meaningless bearing of our souls.  So, begging for help from our readers has become a tireless and unfruitful relationship that we are tiring of.  Maybe it is time to move on to maybe a weekly blog post rather than a daily post. We would rather just write in a journal and read it myself than waste valuable time, energy and emotion with a nonresponsive audience.  If you feel differently, then speak up, otherwise you are not part of the solution, you have become part of the problem. 

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom   

“If you could only sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to the people you may never even dream of.  There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.”

- Fred Rogers
2. Musical Stuff 

Question #1: 

Can you name the artist by my favorite three songs performed by them?

My Choices:

1.     Only Time Will Tell
2.     Heat of the Moment
3.     Wildest Dreams

Question #2:

What are your three favorites?
3.  Previous Bill Murray Character Quotes

Which character is credited for saying the following quote and from what movie?

“I’m a god, not thee God.”

Answer:  Phil Connors in the film Groundhog Day”
Snoopy asks that you please… “Wag More and Bark Less!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb

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