Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 178 Days and counting

Travels & Destinations

I consider Maine pretty much separate from the rest of New England.  I believe Maine is larger than all of the other New England states combined.  I know that there is a vast woodlands areas that stretch on for miles and miles.  I have always wondered about the state of Maine.  I heard they don’t take too kindly to outsiders and they have their own language they speak amongst themselves.  I am curious as to what to see there and we look forward to exploring this area for a while.  I heard you can drive for miles on end without ever seeing another vehicle.  That sounds like someplace we would like to visit and see what it has to offer us.

Eastern Mountain Ranges

Adirondack Mountains
My travels on the Easy Coast are quite limited and were only associated with the military and for business travel.  I never really ever wanted to visit anyplace on the East Coast ever because, well, there was never anything there I ever was interested in seeing. We would like to go through the Adirondack Mountains and check out that area.  I know that Lake Placid is there, the host of the Summer Olympics years ago.  I know they have famous chairs that are styled from there.  I guess there are plenty of lakes and recreational areas there that we need to explore.  If anyone has any knowledge about this area, we will welcome your input.

Appalachian Mountains
Apparently this mountain range runs north of Maine all the way south to Georgia and even to Alabama.  There are several other, smaller, mountain ranges within this geographical range that make up the Appalachian Mountain Range.  All I really know about this mountain range is that this is where hillbillies come from and you need to be extra careful there.  There seems to be a lot of illegal activities going on there from Moonshine and poaching ginseng to growing weed.  I would hate to be in an area where someone thought we were trying to spy or rip off their bounty, so we will need to be extra careful where we boondock (aka camping not in a campground).  I heard the area is quite beautiful and we will probably spend a good amount of time exploring all we can there.

The term Appalachian refers to several different regions associated with the mountain range. Most broadly, it refers to the entire mountain range with its surrounding hills and the dissected plateau region. The term is often used more restrictively to refer to regions in the central and southern Appalachian Mountains, usually including areas in the states of KentuckyTennesseeVirginiaMarylandWest Virginia, and North Carolina, as well as sometimes extending as far south as northern Georgia and western South Carolina, as far north as Pennsylvania and southern Ohio.

To be continued…

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom    

Your attitude determines your direction.


2.  Famous Quotes

Who is credited for saying the following quote?

“One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.”

Answer: ??

Famous Quotes  (Previous Game)

Who is credited for saying the following quote?

“A mind is like a parachute.  It doesn’t work if it is not open.”

Answer:  Frank Zappa
3. How Well Do You Know Us?


Which one of these thrill-seeking activities has Michael participated in?
A.   Skydiving
B.    Drag Racing
C.    Bungee jumping

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?


What state did Michael live in for over two years prior to moving to California in Sep 1979?

Answer:   Texas, San Antonio (6 weeks), Wichita Falls (3 months), and Abilene (21 months)

Snoopy asks that you please… “Wag More and Bark Less!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb

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