Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 165 Days and counting

Time for a Budget
A friend of mine is @ 30 years old and he seems to only exist living payday to payday (sounds like the same situation when I was paying $2500 per month alimony).  He has never had a budget established and he apparently does not plan for the future, emergencies or the “what if… factor”.  We were texting back on forth last night and he said he does not even have gas money to get to work.  Then he tells me that he only really has two bills… his motorcycle payment and his insurance for that bike.  He is still milking the whole “living at home” vibe at this age of being a post teenager (it must be nice).  He is not even Italian, Hispanic nor of Latin decent.  Anyways, he tells me all he has are these two expenses, plus fast food and cigarettes. 

This kid is a cancer survivor and he smokes.  I never said he was a rocket scientist.  Anyways, he says he needs to cut down on his drinking out at bars.  I didn’t even hit him with the whole idea of maybe stopping smoking (duh!).  He only buys his smokes one pack at a time at the gas station usually.  I don’t smoke cigarettes, never have and never will (thankfully), but I told him doesn’t it make sense to buy them by the carton to save money?  He said, I never thought about that.

I said, you don’t have money to buy gas for your motorcycle to get to work.  Don’t you consider gasoline an expense?  I then ask him, what is the capacity of your gas tank?  He tells me he has no idea.  WTF?  Even most women know how big their gas tank is.  So I told him that would be a good idea to know that small detail.  Apparently this kid never took Home Economics (which I never took) nor is he aware of making out a budget and living within those parameters.  I am not too sure about these kids these days.  What will happen when his parents are not there to catch him when he falls?  Try paying rent or having a mortgage someday.  If you want to act like a grown up then act like a grown up for Christ’s sake.  Good grief!

Recently I treated myself to some nice new Ray Ban sunglasses, a pair with green lenses and also a blue lens pair. I used to have some cheapo copies of both of these a long time ago, which I really liked.  I couldn't find my new blue lens pair on Saturday or Sunday even and I was wondering if I maybe left them in the car service I use when I go out drinking. I searched for them again Sunday afternoon to no avail. As I was thinking about where I might have left them or maybe dropped them, I thought to myself, maybe I should check Snoopy's carrier (her box). So I look in there and there they were in the back still in their Ray Ban storage case. Not sure what the case is made of, but she did not chew on the case at all. So now I will keep them out of reach high up on a bookcase shelf where she can't get to them. That is like the third time in three weeks that I thought I had lost them.  Here she found a way to punish Her Butler in a very smart way.  Smart dog!  I guess I should never underestimate the power of the Snoopmeister!  I guess I realize that is why I am Her Butler and she is in charge of my life.

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom   

“Life is like a camera… Just focus on what’s important and capture the good times. Develop from the negatives and if things don’t turn out, just take another shot!”

2. Musical Stuff  (Bringing back a music game you loved playing, sort of!)

Question #1: 

Can you name the artist by my favorite three songs performed by them?

My Choices:

1.     Mr Wendal
2.     Tennessee
3.     Give a Man a Fish

Question #2:

What are your three favorites?
3. Bill Murray Character Quotes

Which Bill Murray character said the following quote & from what movie?

“I’m a god, not thee God.”

Answer:  ???
Previous Bill Murray Character Quotes

Which character is credited for saying the following quote and from what movie?

“Well, I’m sure Charles Dickens would have wanted to see her nipples.”

Answer:  Mr Frank Cross in the film “Scrooged”
Snoopy asks that you please… “Wag More and Bark Less!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb

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