Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 215 Days and counting

I just got a call from my doctor’s office and all of my biopsies from last week came back cancer free!  I was kinda worried since cancer seems to run in our family. I can now breathe once again and don’t have any doubts anymore!  J

It seems like this year of 2014 is getting better and better as it goes along.  I am about 104 days away from being eligible to retire and about 215 days to my proposed retirement day. Things are looking up and we are glad they finally are!  After a few years of being down and out, it is nice to finally rebound and see the light at the end of the tunnel once again.  Maybe I should play the lottery again soon?  J

LA Lawsuit
Hey!  Big wuss trying to bring a lawsuit against Corey Crawford for spraying you with a water bottle during the Monday night game. If you expect to get a reaction from a professional hockey player when you heckle him as much as humanly possible, and then are surprised when he does something as harmless as spraying you with a water bottle, then you are one big wuss.  I hope you get a severe eye infection and it causes you excruciating pain for as long as possible.  Hey, this ain’t some pansy-assed basketball game you are attending, this is the most physically rough professional sport being played by passionate players who have dreamed about being in the Stanley Cup playoffs all of their lives. You perceive that you are untouchable and decide to heckle one of these guys, just be glad he only sprayed you with a water bottle instead of knocking you out with a right hook across your face, you candy-ass wimp.  You should be ashamed of yourself for acting like an ass and then you need to man-up and take a little water cool down like a man you should be. I want to punch you myself, you fair-weather LA fan. Go back home and drink a wine cooler to settle yourself down before someone really does you some real harm.

Things That Piss Me Off

If we say something that offends you in our blog posts, get over it. We are not writing a category called “Things that piss me off” for your approval.  If you are offended, that is your issue.  You are welcome to write your own blog and say what the heck you want to say. This is America and I have done more of my fair share of protecting this country and the rights we all are afforded for all so many years.  37 years I have served my country, so good luck to you. We will continue to say what we want and you are free to not read our blog or even write your own blog.  We are not writing about subjects to piss off someone specifically, but we are saying what the hell we want to. This is why we have been writing a blog and we have chosen to keep most of our personal comments off of FB.  Freedom of speech is our First Amendment right and I believe in exercising it! J

Fair-weather fans
Los Angeles is full of fair-weather fans. I never seen one person all season watching any hockey games, but once one of their teams, either the Kings or the Ducks, make the playoffs, they come out of the woodwork. I guess that is because the Lakers basketball season was terrible and they did not even make it to the playoffs. Most of these fans are only interested in watching because it is a social outlet they can participate in. Oh, I’m sure there are some devoted Kings fans here. Most of them were not rooting for them years ago when they were terrible. But there are some real Kings fans, which I give them credit. I have even rooted for the Kings when it was not in direct conflict with the Blackhawks. Heck, I even had a mini-plan season tickets package for the Kings for 6 or 7 years, because I am a hockey fan first and foremost. And I did root for the home team as a good fan should. But when the Hawks were in town, there is no doubt who I was rooting for, it was the Chicago Blackhawks and always will be. Game 6 is tonight…   Go Blackhawks!

2. Lyrics From an Artist Game 

Lyrical Clues

1.     She’s looking at you? I don’t think so!  She’s looking at me…

2.     I felt so symbolic yesterday… If I knew Picasso…

3.     In between the moon and you the angels gets a better view of the crumbling difference between wrong and right…

Can you guess the Artist and also the 3 song titles?

Answers:  ??

Lyrics From an Artist - Previous Game 

Can you guess the Artist and the 3 song titles?

Lyrical Clues:

1.     Dreamed I was an Eskimo… (Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow)

2.     Is that a real poncho, I mean is that a Mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho… Hmmm, no foolin’?  (Camarillo Brillo)

3.     Just me and the pygmy pony over by the dental floss bush… (Montana)

Answer:   Frank Zappa and the Mother’s of Invention

3. Television Trivia

Suicide is Painless
Walter O’Reilly
Henry Blake

Previous Post’s Television Trivia

1980s Nighttime drama series (Soap Opera)
The Southfork Ranch
Who Shot J.R.? 

Answer:   Dallas (but I never have seen the show.)

4. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: Not counting shoveling snow or mowing lawns, what was Michael’s first job he received an actual paycheck for?

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: What was Snoopy’s name they used for her with her adoption family before it was changed it to the more appropriate and final name of Snoopy?

Answer:  She was called Bubblegum or Gummy (a stupid name)

Snoopy preaches that you, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb

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