Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

For What It's Worth                                                                                                                           - 71 Days and Counting

Disabled Access
Did you know that if you are disabled that you can get free access into all National Parks as well to Federal Recreational Lands?  All you have to do is apply for an All Access Pass, either online or via the old fashioned USPS (Snail) mail.  Remember the postal service?  Anyway, you apply for it and it is good for your lifetime.  No need to get it renewed annually, it is free and good forever!  It also gives you 50% off camping fees in all USNPS campgrounds.  We also have free access to all California State Parks via basically the same process.  Once you are issued the Access Pass, it is good for free access into all California State Parks for your lifetime.  It is too good a deal to pass up and has come in very handy so far during some of our past road trips.

Postseason Baseball
Tonight the San Francisco Giants are in Kansas City to play the Royals in Game 1 of the World Series Championship.  This best of 7 games series begins this afternoon as the red hot Royals, who hasn’t lost a game yet in the postseason by winning 8 straight games, host the Giants who has won the MLB championship twice out of the last 4 years.  The Royals haven't been in the fall classic since 1985, when they won it all!  The Royals definitely have built up a lot of momentum this postseason, but now they will be facing the Giants who has formed a mini dynasty of sorts controlling the National League teams pretty handily, except for maybe the St. Louis Cardinals.  It should be a hard fought and interesting series to say the least, and may the best team win.

Flying Pigs
This was an interesting past weekend as we babysat a coworker’s pet potbellied pig named Twiggy.  Twiggy was once a cute little piglet but the corporation has expanded since those days of long ago.  She now must be tipping the scale at around 100 pounds or so making any handling of her quite a chore.  Snoopy was evicted of her outside area and temporarily replaced by a chubby pig of sorts.  This animal has been spoiled by her owner for many years and to get her to do anything we wanted was a major accomplishment and a monumental feat just within itself.  Yesterday was the last day of the pig boarding as Twiggy went home with her owner.  Snoopy was glad to have her outside area back under her dominance and where she could dominate her domain once again.  She is still trying to figure out where the strange smells came from. :)

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom    

The brain is the most outstanding organ.  
It works 24 hours, 365 days, right from your birth
until you fall in love.


Snoopy asks that you please… “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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