Friday, October 10, 2014

Friday, October 10, 2014

For What It's Worth                                                                                              - 81 Days and Counting

Happy birthday Lisa C-M!!

Following Blogs
There are a couple of blogs I follow on a regular basis as I hope happens with our blog.  Our daily exercise currently is occurring almost every workweek day for us.  We anticipate that frequency to go down once we get out on the open road early next year as is currently being planned.  We hope our readers check out our blog posts to keep track of where we are traveling to as well as the sites and destinations we encounter as we go along.  

Matt is a 30 year old guy from Northern California who is a great writer, has a great blog and I have been in contact with him for quite a few months now.  He is a kindred spirit and we have parallel paths in life I believe.  I have followed him and his VW Westfalia Vanagon named “Donnie” as he crisscrosses the US living mobile, free and happy. He mostly stays in the western side of the continent traveling as far east as Indiana, the state he grew up in.  He has even braved the long haul all the way to Alaska on the AL-Can Highway traveling for many days solo piloting his rig on stretches of road hundreds of miles away from any civilization in either direction, staving off bears and any dangerous wildlife that had come his way.  A brave soul indeed to attempt such a feat.  He does not carry any firearms, so meeting a bear could be a hair-raising experience. I am sure he probably has bear spray.  Maybe after we have put many months of back road traveling under our belts would we ever attempt such a arduous journey.  With a vehicle as old as Linus (1978 model), I am not brave enough to try to tackle such an adventurous journey until we can gain some extreme confidence in my vehicle ’s reliability.  Even then an Alaska trip traveling in a VW microbus would be a supreme adventure just in itself.  You gotta have some savvy to try to drive that road all by yourself.  Maybe some day we will give it a try but surely not for a good long while.

I do follow a few traveling blogs, peeps living out on the road in their vans or small RVs.  I get a lot of good ideas from the ideas these peeps share to us readers, which we wish to also provide as we experience and learn in our blog.  We just need to avoid making as many mistakes as possible that do us hardship, as well as cost us any time and money.  Living on a fixed income, you need to manage your money well.  That amount is fixed and will limit our capabilities.  I am hoping that not paying rent on an apartment will free up some cash to be used for plenty of fuel for Linus and maybe a get a motel room or a decent campground every once in a while to take a hot shower, wash some clothes and sleep in a proper bed.  

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom    

Stop waiting for Prince Charming.  Get up and find him.  
The poor idiot may be suck in a tree or something.


Snoopy asks that you please… “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!
- cb

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