For What It's Worth - 85 Days and Counting...
So, they wheel me into the hospital on the gurney, which took about 45 minutes to travel to. Some emergency room doctors and nurses quickly evaluate my injuries and then I get wheeled off into some room off to the side. Maybe it is a holding room, if there is such a thing. So, I lay there for a long time and then the rain storm hits quite violently. It is going for maybe 10 minutes and then the power goes out. Now I am laying there in the dark wondering if anyone knows I’m even in here and then the pain hits me. Thinking to myself that I guess the shock must be wearing off because the pain is creeping in. Some more time passes and the lights have been out for a while and I begin to think that I have been forgotten. So, when my patience wears out I start yelling for someone. After a while someone rediscovers my broken body in this darkened room.
Finally some doctor with a long beard comes to see me and they ask me if I am in any pain. I mention that my back is killing me, my right foot feels like it has been crushed and it feels wet, and my entire right side of my body feels like I have been body slammed. Well, I guess my body has been body slammed at about 65 mph, so I figure the pain is understandable. So, I get some x-rays taken, and an MRI, and then they give me some medication for the pain. I know I need to call someone to come get me, so I call my girlfriend Lisa at her work In San Bernardino and tell her I am in a hospital located in Victorville. She is understandably upset, she never liked motorcycles, and she drops whatever she is doing and she starts on her way to get me.
All this time Billy has been waiting out in the waiting room and I ask a nurse to go locate him. After a little while he comes in and sees the mess I am in. He notices the maroon paint on my right boot, on my t-shirt and on my jeans. I ask to see my boot which was removed long ago and I notice that the metal eyelets have been flattened and the paint of the new car has been embedded into the leather. I think to myself, “No wonder my right foot feels so bad”.
The bearded doctor finally comes in with my x-rays and discusses my injuries with me. He shows me the disc bulging out my left side and also that one of my lower vertebrae has broken off and is floating between my bulging disc and my spinal cord. He also tells me that my entire right side of my body has had intense trauma and will most likely end up bruised severely. He then gives me another injection of pain meds, which I find out is morphine.
To be continued...
To be continued...
Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom
On particularly rough days when I'm sure I can't possibly endure,
I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days
so far is 100%... and that's pretty good!
I like to remind myself that my track record for getting through bad days
so far is 100%... and that's pretty good!
Snoopy asks that you please… “Bark Less and Wag More!”
Until next time… Be Good!
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