Thursday, October 30, 2014

Thursday, October 30, 2014

                                          Happy Birthday to my sister Joyce Ann!  May your day be great and enjoyable!

For What It’s Worth                                                 - 62 Days and Counting

Last night the San Francisco Giants defeated the Kansas City Chiefs to become the World Series Champions of the Major Leagues.  It was an enjoyable playoff series to watch and an end to a long baseball season.  Maybe some day my Cubs will finally make it there to enjoy the feeling of being the Champions which has eluded us for oh so very long now.  We can always hope! :)

The close of the baseball season means the start of the hockey season for me.  My Blackhawks have already had a shaky start to the season with a record of 5 wins, 3 losses & 1 Overtime.  In comparison to their start 2 years ago with going undefeated for many weeks, this season falls short of our high expectations.  On another note, I see that hockey legend Gordie Howe has had a major stroke at his home in Lubbock, TX and is in guarded condition.  Our hearts and prayers go out to Gordie and his family during this most difficult time.  Hang in there, Gordie!

Well, tomorrow is the start of the holiday season with Halloween I guess.  I’m not the biggest fan of the unofficial holiday but I do enjoy seeing the little kiddies in their costumes walking from door to door.  It’s funny because even after the dress up night is all over to see the kids wearing their costumes days after the holiday.  I guess they enjoy pretending to be their dream character for days on end. I know for some people, Halloween is one of their favorite times of the year.  Here in El Segundo, there are a few houses who transform their residences into haunted houses and allow people to enter so they can try to scare the pants off of complete strangers.  In high school, I worked at “Old Chicago”, an indoor amusement park, and it had an attraction, “Vincent Price’s Haunted House” that I worked at one season.  It was great fun to scare the bejesus out of unsuspecting peeps.  There was a couple of times where I got clobbered by scared patrons.  A hefty purse swung by a frightened woman can ruin your night, believe me.  I was almost knocked out cold a few times in that scenario. It still was a great time that I enjoyed immensely!

Simple Joys of Life & Words of Wisdom   
Your job is not to judge.  
Your job is not to figure out 
if someone deserves something.  
Your job is to lift the fallen, 
to restore the broken, 
and to heal the hurting.

Snoopy asks that you please… “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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