Thursday, October 31, 2013



First of all, my apologies for not posting anything on our blog yesterday.  I was not at work and I had personal issues I had to address. It seems like most of it went my way and hopefully this current mess will be all behind me soon and I can move on with my life.  It has been a long couple of months and if I can get out of the way and my work issues taken cared of, life could be getting better.  We can only hope and pray it will all turn around and the outlook for life can be sunny once again.

Today music trivia is a British punk/new wave band I loved since the late 70s and early 80s.  Their music still stands the test of time with their great sound and easy lyrics.  Songs such as, “Allison”, “Watching the Detectives”, “Accidents will Happen” and “Peace, Love and Understanding” got lots of airplay back in the day and still do today.  Named after The King of Rock & Roll, can you name this British performer and his band?

Congratulations to the Boston Red Sox and their World Series Championship. Their third in the past decade, they went from worst to first this year.  Last year they had a dismal year, sort of like the Cubs always seem to have.  Rooting for the St Louis Cardinals, I was disappointed to say the least.  They had really no offense during the entire postseason, making it a boring bunch of games to watch and endure.  David Ortiz was on fire all series hitting everything that was thrown his way.  I would have walked him more times than not.  His bat was a lethal weapon to say the least. All I can say is, wait until next year.  Now I’ll be having baseball withdrawls for a few weeks, especially since the time change this weekend and the oncoming early nighttime that occurs for these next few months until the second Sunday in March rolls back around.

Tonight is Halloween and I still haven’t bought any candy.  I really don’t plan on being home but I better get some just in case my plans change.  I can’t disappoint the little kiddos when they come to the door begging for candy. So, I guess I’ll swing by the store on the way home after work.

Tomorrow morning the plumber comes to fix the toilet and the leaky kitchen faucet. It only leaks when you turn it on full blast but it sprays all over the place when you do that, which I seem to somehow do frequently.  The landlord’s regular plumbers came before and said it was all normal, which means they were too lazy to fix the problems.  She told me this was another plumber service she was sending that should fix it and make it all good.  That means I need to clean up the current pile of dishes that have accumulated over the past week or so. I so need a regular cleaning lady to come every other week to keep this place tidy for me.  I do pay pretty well!

Today is my friend Bob’s 83rd birthday I believe.  He was born in 1929.  Can you believe that?  He is one of the nicest guys I have ever met and he is still going strong.  We were coworkers until maybe two or three years ago when the company he worked for their contract was not renewed, so he started his own business once again.  He is always busy and at 6 foot, eight inches tall, he is a hard guy to miss in a crowd.  He actually played basketball against George Steinbrenner way back when.  I call Bob, Big Mac, because of the obvious I guess.  He lives out in Redlansds near where I used to live back in the early 80s.  I do go back there during the autumn to see all the leaves change and go to the apple orchards for their bountiful harvests.  You gotta love apple pie ala-mode. A nice treat once a year or so.Maybe Snoopy and I will head out that way this Saturday early and beat the traffic.  Traffic coming back will be terrible, but it should be a nice drive.

Going to close this blog post for the day…

Snoopy says… Wag More, Bark Less…

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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