Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

For What It’s Worth                                                                                     - 36 Days and Counting

Blog Publishing
After we retire, the frequency of our blog postings will decline to maybe once a week or so, with hopefully better content and better writing.  Publishing our blog on a daily basis was basically training for the purpose of refining our blog writing and better choosing content and subject matter, and of course to keep all you peeps informed on our adventures when we are out on the road.  It seems like after a while we end up repeating ourselves in our blog posts.  We do anticipate much more new and exciting adventures to write about and share one we get out there on the road.  That is our dream, to be out there in the system trying to get lost from society and all the weights that try to pul os down on a daily basis.  We are counting the days, literally.  :)

Living out of a Van
Most people would cringe at the thought of trying to live out of a van type vehicle for several months at a time, but not us.  We revel in it.  We long for it.  We look forward to it. We can only wait to get out there to explore this great continent, meet different people, and expand our horizons.  Snoopy is well adapted to traveling in the bus as well as being content in sleeping in her bed on the passenger floor of Linus.  e three make up a good team, both Snoopy & Linus being conversation pieces and me the caretaker, Bus Pilot and part-time butler for them both.  It will also be a good opportunity to save up some $$$ to build a small nest egg for emergencies and for the future.  Our expenses will be minimal and our biggest expense will probably be fuel and maintenance for Linus.  As we have mentioned many times before, we plan to avoid campgrounds and the fees they charge and try to live off of the grid as much as possible.  We plan to have a generator as backup just in case we need it, but we mostly plan to use as little electrical energy as we can.  Conservation and planning ahead is a smart practice when you are boondocking out in the middle of nowhere in some remote or austere location.  

Buses By the Bridge
The Buses By the Bridge is an annual event where VW enthusiasts drive their VW Buses out to London Bridge (yes, that London Bridge) and meet and hang out for the weekend in January each year.  Since it has been quite some time we have taken Linus out on an adventure, this looks like a golden opportunity to do so and to meet some new VW enthusiasts that enjoy the same passion that we do.  There are all kinds of peeps enthusiastic about VW Buses, even those who have never owned one before. It is also a good opportunity to network with other VW Nuts like us.  My camping friend Kathy said she might go as well, so that could be fun too.

Famous Quotes and Words of Wisdom

“A life filled with silly social drama 
and gossip indicates that a person is 
disconnected from purpose and 
lacking meaningful goals.

People on a path of purpose 
don’t have time for Drama.”

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 Snoopy says… Bark Less and Wag More!

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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