Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday, November 3, 2014

                                                                 Happy Birthday to my buddy Paul back home in the Chicagoland area!

For What It’s Worth                                                                                                                         - 58 Days to go and Counting

Today I started working on my Out Processing Checklist prior to the Holiday Season gets here to avoid people being out of the office during that time frame.  There is a lot of things that have to be signed off on these forms so I am starting as early as possible to avoid missing someone out on Christmas vacation and the sort.  I would hate to miss something and then have to jump through hoops to get it accomplished at the last minute.  Isn’t that the way things usually go?  I want to plan for the worst and hope for the best!

Seems like there were a lot of Trick or Treaters out in El Segundo Friday night.  Maple Ave was packed and Main Street was shut down for the annual Halloween event, which I forgot about.  Many peeps on FB were saying they had a low turnout, but we here had lots, even though I was not home to hand out candy.  My neighbor across the courtyard always participates with a Halloween decorated front entryway.  I went out to the local watering hole for a couple of hours just to get out for a bit on Friday.  Sat ad Sun were laying low days for me.  

Auto Insurance
I have tried several automobile insurance websites and they are a bunch of crap.  Besides entering information in several times again and again, when it continues to go back to square one I guess I really don’t want to utilize your company any longer, no matter whet the savings up front may be, if the service sucks then I want no part of it.  You figure after so many years they would have it down to a science by now, but alas, they do not.  They make it sound so easy on TV but in actuality it is a painful process.

Famous Quotes and Words of Wisdom

Judging a person does not 
Define who they are.
It defines who you are.


Snoopy asks that you please… “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

- cb

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