Friday, May 30, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 215 Days and counting

I just got a call from my doctor’s office and all of my biopsies from last week came back cancer free!  I was kinda worried since cancer seems to run in our family. I can now breathe once again and don’t have any doubts anymore!  J

It seems like this year of 2014 is getting better and better as it goes along.  I am about 104 days away from being eligible to retire and about 215 days to my proposed retirement day. Things are looking up and we are glad they finally are!  After a few years of being down and out, it is nice to finally rebound and see the light at the end of the tunnel once again.  Maybe I should play the lottery again soon?  J

LA Lawsuit
Hey!  Big wuss trying to bring a lawsuit against Corey Crawford for spraying you with a water bottle during the Monday night game. If you expect to get a reaction from a professional hockey player when you heckle him as much as humanly possible, and then are surprised when he does something as harmless as spraying you with a water bottle, then you are one big wuss.  I hope you get a severe eye infection and it causes you excruciating pain for as long as possible.  Hey, this ain’t some pansy-assed basketball game you are attending, this is the most physically rough professional sport being played by passionate players who have dreamed about being in the Stanley Cup playoffs all of their lives. You perceive that you are untouchable and decide to heckle one of these guys, just be glad he only sprayed you with a water bottle instead of knocking you out with a right hook across your face, you candy-ass wimp.  You should be ashamed of yourself for acting like an ass and then you need to man-up and take a little water cool down like a man you should be. I want to punch you myself, you fair-weather LA fan. Go back home and drink a wine cooler to settle yourself down before someone really does you some real harm.

Things That Piss Me Off

If we say something that offends you in our blog posts, get over it. We are not writing a category called “Things that piss me off” for your approval.  If you are offended, that is your issue.  You are welcome to write your own blog and say what the heck you want to say. This is America and I have done more of my fair share of protecting this country and the rights we all are afforded for all so many years.  37 years I have served my country, so good luck to you. We will continue to say what we want and you are free to not read our blog or even write your own blog.  We are not writing about subjects to piss off someone specifically, but we are saying what the hell we want to. This is why we have been writing a blog and we have chosen to keep most of our personal comments off of FB.  Freedom of speech is our First Amendment right and I believe in exercising it! J

Fair-weather fans
Los Angeles is full of fair-weather fans. I never seen one person all season watching any hockey games, but once one of their teams, either the Kings or the Ducks, make the playoffs, they come out of the woodwork. I guess that is because the Lakers basketball season was terrible and they did not even make it to the playoffs. Most of these fans are only interested in watching because it is a social outlet they can participate in. Oh, I’m sure there are some devoted Kings fans here. Most of them were not rooting for them years ago when they were terrible. But there are some real Kings fans, which I give them credit. I have even rooted for the Kings when it was not in direct conflict with the Blackhawks. Heck, I even had a mini-plan season tickets package for the Kings for 6 or 7 years, because I am a hockey fan first and foremost. And I did root for the home team as a good fan should. But when the Hawks were in town, there is no doubt who I was rooting for, it was the Chicago Blackhawks and always will be. Game 6 is tonight…   Go Blackhawks!

2. Lyrics From an Artist Game 

Lyrical Clues

1.     She’s looking at you? I don’t think so!  She’s looking at me…

2.     I felt so symbolic yesterday… If I knew Picasso…

3.     In between the moon and you the angels gets a better view of the crumbling difference between wrong and right…

Can you guess the Artist and also the 3 song titles?

Answers:  ??

Lyrics From an Artist - Previous Game 

Can you guess the Artist and the 3 song titles?

Lyrical Clues:

1.     Dreamed I was an Eskimo… (Don’t Eat The Yellow Snow)

2.     Is that a real poncho, I mean is that a Mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho… Hmmm, no foolin’?  (Camarillo Brillo)

3.     Just me and the pygmy pony over by the dental floss bush… (Montana)

Answer:   Frank Zappa and the Mother’s of Invention

3. Television Trivia

Suicide is Painless
Walter O’Reilly
Henry Blake

Previous Post’s Television Trivia

1980s Nighttime drama series (Soap Opera)
The Southfork Ranch
Who Shot J.R.? 

Answer:   Dallas (but I never have seen the show.)

4. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: Not counting shoveling snow or mowing lawns, what was Michael’s first job he received an actual paycheck for?

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: What was Snoopy’s name they used for her with her adoption family before it was changed it to the more appropriate and final name of Snoopy?

Answer:  She was called Bubblegum or Gummy (a stupid name)

Snoopy preaches that you, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Back in Service, Thursday, May 29, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 218 Days and counting

Did You Miss Us?
Well, it seems like nobody really missed us this past week we were not blogging. Does it really make a difference if we do blog? Do we bring any joy into people’s lives? Do we make anyone think differently? Snoopy and I really wonder sometimes if we are just wasting our time and energy authoring this blog. Sure, some of the games we administer might be fun to play, but do we really make a difference? If so we would like to her from you, and not just by “Liking” our posts, but with some meaningful feedback from you guys. C’mon, let us hear from you peeps!

Cancer Screening
I had my scheduled cancer screening procedure last week. That was the reason I took some time off from work. I apparently had 3 polyps again this time (same as 5 years ago) that they removed and sent to the lab for analysis. We should find out the results sometime next week if any of them are cancerous or not. We have been lucky so far avoiding the “C” word, but you never know with our family. Last time I had this procedure I did not feel anything afterwards, but this time I had some pain on my insides from the removal procedure which lasted about half a day or so. I took some of my pain meds which knocked out the pain I was feeling and the pain never returned. This was only my second time having this done and I guess I’ll have to have it done every five years or so for the remainder of my life. I recommend friends my age have it done so you can catch anything bad early enough so it can be treated, removed and dealt with in a timely manner.  Just do it!

My dear friend, Maynard
My dear friend Maynard came into town to take me to all my doctor appointments  last week. They will not allow you to have the procedures accomplished unless you have someone with you to take you home. They even interview your driver before you go into have the procedure to ensure there is someone there to drive you home. Good thing because I barely remember anything. Last time I was pretty much awake and I enjoyed the meds I was on. This time I must have been out because I remember being on the table and the next thing I knew I was done and just lying there and apparently totally out of it. Good friends are hard to find and I am glad I have a great friend like Maynard!  Thanks again for everything, Maynard!  J

My Chicago Blackhawks are two wins away from being in the Stanley Cup Finals! The bad news is, the Kings are only one win away.  We have to play tougher than we have been lately. The Kings have been playing better hockey this series than our Hawks, so we need to step up and play like Champions or we won’t be repeating. I do like the sound of back to back Champions, so let’s do this! Go Blackhawks!

Bon Voyage, Uncle Eric
One of Snoopy’s adopted Uncles, Uncle Eric and his wife, are leaving us and California to open up a restaurant in Austin, Texas.  Snoopy said her goodbyes to him earlier this week with sadness in her eyes, but she is happy they are following their dreams. I hope they understand how much work is involved and how hard it is to make it successful in the restaurant business. We do plan to visit him during our retirement and on our road trip , hopefully to be there in late October 2015 to coincide with the Formula One Race being held there. We will keep in touch with them via Facebook, of course, but it just won’t be the same without his smiling face at the tavern.

Things That Piss Me Off

Facebook Posts Telling Us All How Awesome They Are
If you are that self-centered that you need to post self-praising issues about how great you are, or how awesome you are, that is just plain pitiful. If you feel awesome, that is another thing.  Nobody wants to hear that your client thinks you are awesome, or that you think you are awesome. That is not your place in life. Do you ever think that Steve McQueen ever said how awesome he was? Of course not!  And he was the coolest person ever! So if you feel you need to boost your own ego by saying how awesome you are, then you are really just trying to fool yourself! If you were really awesome, you would not have a need to spout it every time you can get in a FB post telling us all over, once again. I have FB friends that do it all the time. I wish they could get over themselves.

2. Lyrics From an Artist Game 

Can you guess the Artist and also the 3 song titles?

Lyrical Clues

1.     Dreamed I was an Eskimo…

2.     Is that a real poncho, I mean is that a Mexican poncho or is that a Sears poncho… hmmm, no foolin’? 

3.     Just me and the pygmy pony over by the dental floss bush…

Answers:  ?????

Lyrics From an Artist - Previous Game 

Can you guess the Artist and the 3 song titles?

Lyrical Clues:

1. Only takes one itchy trigger, One more widow, one less white nigger… (Oliver’s Army)

2. Sometimes I wish I could stop you from talking when I hear the silly things that you say. (Alison)

3. Nice girls not one with a defect, cellophane shrink-wrapped, so correct. (Watching the Detectives)

Answer:  Elvis Costello and The Attractions

3. Television Trivia

1980s Night time drama series (Soap Opera)
The Southfork Ranch
Who Shot J.R.?

Previous Post’s Television Trivia

70s Game Show
Reinvented and currently on TV  
Curtain #1
Box on the Display Floor
Monte Hall

Answer:   Let’s Make a Deal

4. How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: What was Snoopy’s name they used for her with her adoption family before I changed it to the more appropriate and final name of Snoopy?

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: What Breed of dog did Michael want to get, but was afraid of the liability?  

Answer:  A Rottweiler

Snoopy preaches that you, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

1. For What It’s Worth                                                              - 227 Days and counting

Happy Birthday Bubbles! J

Illinois Friends in Need of Our Help
I have some friends in Illinois that could really use our help, but I can’t do much from out here in California. My question to you, our peeps, is will anyone step up to do some simple things for them? Really simple things like just stopping by their place to see them and just let them know they are not alone out there. I would do it myself, but unfortunately I live too far away to do so myself. So I am taking advantage of this blog to look for your help, our readers. So, is anyone out there able and willing to go by to just visit a few minutes with one of our friends in need? I little gesture of kindness can go a long way for someone who could use some sunshine in their perceived dreary lives. Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks Peeps!

Cancer Screening
Well, later this week I have my cancer screening procedure that I get performed every 5 years. Since my Dad survived 4 separate kinds of cancer, and my sister already survived one cancer issue, it is best that I get checked out often to catch anything before it can get worse. The procedure I had 5 years ago they told me I had to stop eating anything with seeds as well as popcorn. I could buy some kernel free kind of popcorn I guess, but I haven’t seen it anywhere in the stores yet. Maybe they might have it at Whole Foods?

Mobile Phones
Yesterday I rode my bicycle all the way home then realized I did not have my iphone with me. I apparently left it in my office at work. So I had to ride all the way back into work and back just to retrieve it. We don’t realize how much we depend on technology to do our everyday activities until we don’t have access to our electronic gadgets and their capabilities.

Things that Really Piss me off:

Tattoos used to be something guys got when they went into the military, sort of like  as a right of passage. I myself never wanted one and I never will get one. I don’t even like labels on my clothes let alone any on my body.  A guy once told me that it made him unique. I told him look around Einstein, almost every guy in his twenties or thirties has them. You are not unique nor are you cool, you have put stupid bumper stickers on your body. Bumper stickers belong on the back window of a VW Bus or van, not all over your body like a wall of graffiti. I believe women look ugly as sin with tattoos, and even worse if they have them on their chest. Why would someone want to ruin a perfect view putting bumper stickers there?  It is such a turnoff!  Ugh! I feel sick even thinking about it. Like I always say, there is a big difference between Classy and Trashy, so chose to be one, because you can’t be both.  I’m sick of it!

2. Lyrics From an Artist Game 

Can you guess the Artist and also the 3 song titles?

Lyrical Clues

1.     Only takes one itchy trigger, One more widow, one less white nigger…

2.   Sometimes I wish I could stop you from talking when I hear the silly things that you say.

3.   Nice girls not one with a defect, cellophane shrink-wrapped, so correct.

Answers:  ?????

Lyrics From an Artist - Previous Game 

Can you guess the Artist and the 3 song titles?

Lyrical Clues:

1.     Sunshine Daydream, walking in the tall trees… (Sugar Magnolia)

2.     If I get home before daylight, I just might get some sleep tonight… (Friend of the Devil)

3. What a long, strange trip it’s been… (Truckin’)

Answer:  The Grateful Dead

3. Television Trivia

70s Game Show
Reinvented and currently on TV  
Curtain #1
Box on the Display Floor
Monte Hall

Previous Post’s Television Trivia

Chicagoland cartoon
Airplane Transport

Answer:   Clutch Cargo

4. How Well Do You Know Us?

What Breed of dog did Michael want to get, but was afraid of the possible liabilities?  

Answer:  ?

Previous Game of How Well Do You Know Us?

Question: If Michael had access to unlimited money, what items would he collect?

Answer:  Automobiles

Snoopy is begging that you please, “Bark Less and Wag More!”

Until next time… Be Good!

-           cb